Protection of labor rights is the main task of Azerbaijani trade unions


Protection of human rights is a priority direction in the development strategy of the Azerbaijan state, authored by Great Leader Heydar Aliyev. For many years, our country has been developing cooperation with prestigious international organizations operating in the field of human rights, has supported more than 50 international documents in the field of human rights protection, including the General Declaration “On Human Rights” adopted by the 1948 resolution of the UN General Assembly, and this achieved significant achievements in the implementation of international obligations in the area. Currently, in our country, where all manifestations of democracy are established and human rights and freedoms are ensured at the highest level, the solution of social problems of our citizens, the provision of their economic interests, and the protection of all legal rights and interests in the field of labor are also of particular importance.

Based on the Law on Azerbaijan Trade Unions, which contains democratic principles and values, trade unions act as defenders of the rights of Azerbaijani citizens involved in the labor process in all enterprises operating in our country, including organizations working with foreign investment, adaptation of working conditions to modern standards in transnational campaigns, solving social problems, It operates purposefully and efficiently using new methods and means in the direction of ensuring labor rights, labor protection, and creating decent working conditions.

The main goal here is to ensure the labor rights of our people at a high level, as well as other rights.

Trade unions carry out public control over the protection of social labor rights on various legal grounds, and provide assistance in solving problems and complaints raised by union members. Complaint letters received by the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan are analyzed, concrete measures are taken to eliminate the emerging problems as soon as possible. It should be noted that from the first years of the Confederation’s activity until today, nearly 3 million applications and complaints have been considered, and the violated rights of workers have been restored. In 2022 alone, trade unions received more than 162,000 applications and complaints from members, 97.1% of which were resolved positively and violated rights were restored.

Also, Azerbaijani trade unions are trying to achieve a decent workplace and a safe production environment for every worker in modern conditions. The decision of the Executive Committee of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan “On the action plan for the main directions of labor protection” gave an important impetus to the purposeful activity of the trade union organizations in this direction.

One of the points that Azerbaijani trade unions pay attention to is the right of employees to rest. Trade unions have always focused on the creation of conditions for workers’ rest, restoration of working capacity, organization of treatment, protection and strengthening of their health, provision of the right to vacation granted for this purpose, and more efficient and meaningful organization of free time during the vacation period. Today, dozens of recreation centers, sanatorium-resort establishments, and health camps operate in the remote corners of our country. Every year, thousands of members of trade unions are provided with trips together with their families, all conditions are created for their normal rest.

The democratic environment established in Azerbaijan has created fertile conditions for realizing the rich potential of women. In such a context, trade unions pay special attention to the active participation of women in the socio-economic life of the country, to their greater representation in the structures of the institution, and to strengthening their role. According to the “Concept of Gender Policy” of the Confederation of Azerbaijan Trade Unions, recommendations on “Applying the gender approach in collective agreements” and “Balancing the representation of men and women in the management of trade union organizations” have been prepared. Also, the “Center for Gender Equality and Women’s Issues” was established under the institution. As of January 2023, women accounted for 52 percent of trade union members in the republic.

At the same time, Azerbaijani trade unions actively support the youth policy defined by our state within their powers and unite the majority of young people in their ranks. Thus, 38.5 percent of the members of the trade union are young people. The Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan has prepared and successfully implemented the “Activity and action plan of trade unions in the field of protecting the rights of children and young people in Azerbaijan and meeting their spiritual needs”.

Trade unions are actively fighting for the forced involvement of people in labor, the restoration of the rights of its victims, compensation for the damage, organizing seminars in the capital and regions, and carrying out educational work.

We can say with certainty that, taking into account the wise recommendations of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, the trade unions of Azerbaijan will work more diligently and resolutely to ensure the labor and socio-economic rights and legal interests of Azerbaijani citizens working in all enterprises, to regulate labor relations and to protect public stability.