Ilham Aliyev’s new Nakhchivan model


The president defined the perfect strategy for the magnificent development of the autonomous republic

Against the background of the new realities created by our glorious victory, along with Karabakh and East Zangezur, which were freed from occupation, a new period of progress is being experienced in the socio-economic development of all regions of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan, the most powerful country in history, which has ensured its economic independence, realizes both the construction of our territories freed from occupation and the state programs determined by President Ilham Aliyev related to the rise of the regions only at the expense of its own resources.

The state program will be a beacon for the rise of Nakhchivan

During the last 20 years, as a result of the implementation of state programs on the socio-economic development of the regions, the face of the regions has changed. This progress, innovative development, of course, has not bypassed the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, which is an integral part of Azerbaijan and has an ancient history. The works carried out within the framework of state programs have opened wide opportunities for the development of Nakhchivan in the coming years. Currently, by using these opportunities, the establishment of an export-oriented value chain has become one of the main priorities in the socio-economic life of the autonomous republic, including in rural areas, as a result of accelerating economic activity, forming a favorable business environment, and attracting investments. This created the need to continue the preparation and implementation of complex programs related to the socio-economic development of Nakhchivan. The most reformist President, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who took all these into account, on June 5 signed the decree “On the approval of the State Program for the socio-economic development of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for 2023-2027” and defined the road map of the new rise of modern Nakhchivan.

It is a fact that the period of approximately half a century of our ancient homeland is closely related to the activities of National Leader Heydar Aliyev. Thanks to the multifaceted activities of the Great Leader, a solid foundation was laid for the socio-economic development of all regions of our country, including Nakhchivan. In this regard, the signing of the order in the “Year of Heydar Aliyev” and on the eve of the National Liberation Day was also of symbolic importance. Another important point is the preparation of the document on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. It is no coincidence that the Nakhchivan factor should be specially mentioned in the political activities of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev within the framework of the 100-year measures of autonomy. The 50-year period of the autonomous republic was formed by the policy of the National Leader.

Successfully continuing the development strategy defined by the Great Leader, President Ilham Aliyev has always paid special attention to the development of Nakhchivan, like all regions of Azerbaijan. Now, the development of a very comprehensive and wide-ranging state program will play an important role in ensuring the sustainability of the economic development in Nakhchivan, further improving the infrastructure and social services, and improving the employment and financial well-being of the population.

It can be said with certainty that this document will be a beacon shining light on the path of Heydar Aliyev, successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev, and the rise of Nakhchivan.

From decline to progress

By making a short excursion into history, we will testify that the transition of Nakhchivan from the decline to the rise period was not easy. Thanks to the great leader Heydar Aliyev’s foresight, phenomenalism, decisive policy, Nakhchivan was able to get rid of difficulties and painful days. The autonomous republic, which was in tense and complicated conditions in the early 1990s, revived and entered the modern stage of development as a result of the unparalleled services of the Great Leader.

After Heydar Aliyev arrived in Nakhchivan, he first ensured the safety of the population and the territory. After that, he determined the strategy of socio-economic development with his perfectly successful policy. Thanks to the correct policy of the National Leader, regional and international relations were established to ensure the continuity of the development and stability of Nakhchivan, and a solid foundation was formed in the socio-economic development of Nakhchivan, like all regions of our country, for the next period.

In a word, the Great Leader started the most perfect example of independent state building on the scale of Azerbaijan. Under the personal control of President Ilham Aliyev, Nakhchivan experienced a period of growth.

On December 22, 2022, the head of state received Fuad Najafli, whom he appointed as his authorized representative in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, and gave him relevant assignments. Thanks to the President’s constant attention to Nakhchivan and by his direct instructions, large-scale works, including the implementation of large infrastructure projects, 100 percent provision of gasification in Nakhchivan, energy supply, construction of modern roads, construction of health and educational facilities, creation of new jobs the works done in this direction are mentioned. At the same time, it was noted that a large amount of subsidy was allocated to the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic from the state budget every year. The President instructed that serious efforts should be made in relation to taking care of people, fight against corruption and bribery, transparency, implementation of the correct personnel policy, and activities in close contact with the central executive bodies.

Road map of Nakhchivan’s new development

The development of regions in our country, including the Nakhchivan economic region, is an important component of the successfully implemented sustainable socio-economic development strategy.

The historical decisions taken by President Ilham Aliyev for the development of our country and the large-scale reforms carried out guarantee the comprehensive development of our independent state in all directions and further improvement of the social welfare of our people.

As noted in the”state program on the socio-economic development of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for 2023-2027″, the adopted state programs on the socio-economic development of the regions are of particular importance in the implementation of this strategy, including in increasing the development of the regions to a new qualitative stage.

In 2020, the new reality created by the liberation of our lands from occupation and the restoration of our territorial integrity as a result of the 44-day Patriotic War necessitated the opening of the Zangezur corridor and expanded the transit potential of Nakhchivan by bringing up the development prospects of the Middle Corridor. The large-scale construction and construction works carried out in the liberated areas and the applied concessions, as well as the prospect of establishing transport links between these areas and Nakhchivan through the Zangezur corridor, create opportunities for the application of similar concessions in the autonomous republic.

At present, using these opportunities, the acceleration of economic development, decent employment of the population, further improvement of social well-being and strengthening of environmental safety in Nakhchivan have come to the fore. It is necessary to ensure the acceleration and sustainability of socio-economic development in the region by using the existing potential more effectively. This implies the regular preparation and implementation of complex programs related to the socio-economic development of Nakhchivan.

The “State Program for the socio-economic development of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for the years 2023-2027” defined by the President was prepared precisely for the purpose of realizing the goals set in the new stage. The state program includes the city of Nakhchivan, Babek, Julfa, Kangarli, Ordubad, Saderak, Shahbuz and Sharur districts, which are part of the Nakhchivan economic region. In the document, goals and priority directions for achieving further acceleration of socio-economic development of Nakhchivan were defined. The state program includes funding sources for actions in priority areas, target indicators to be achieved in the field of socio-economic development of the region.


The state program for the 5-year development of Nakhchivan is a state document of important historical importance, which includes the strategy and tactics of the reconstruction and development of the autonomous republic in connection with the general development strategy of Azerbaijan. The state program, which aims to ensure the comprehensive development of the autonomous republic, has been developed in accordance with the sustainable priorities established for the country in connection with the goals of the 2030 sustainable development agenda of our country.

The purpose of the state program, 11 priority areas, main goals

The purpose of the state program is to accelerate the socio-economic development of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and ensure its full integration into the country’s economy by ensuring sustainable economic growth and improving the living standards of citizens.

In order to achieve this goal, 11 priority areas have been identified for 2023-2027, and all measures planned for the implementation of the state program are grouped under those priority areas. Thus, by effectively using the economic-geographical position, natural resources, socio-economic potential and transit opportunities of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, measures related to the elimination of existing deficiencies and acceleration of economic development will be carried out taking into account the mentioned directions.

The target indicators of the document are ensuring sustainable development, increasing employment opportunities, raising the standard of living of the population, efficient use of natural resources and environmental protection.

In order to implement the state program, an action plan has been prepared, which includes actions according to the relevant priority directions. The action plan covers a 5-year period. According to the action plan, a detailed action plan will be prepared for 2023-2024 and 2025-2027. The implementation of the state program will be monitored taking into account the initial, intermediate and final results of the measures. These indicators will make it possible to assess the implementation status of the relevant activities. Monitoring and evaluation of the state program will be carried out according to the “Regulation on the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of state programs”.

The funding sources of the state program have also been determined. Thus, the implementation of measures under the document is planned to be financed from the state budget, the state budget of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, extra-budgetary funds, financial resources formed as a result of public-private partnerships, local and foreign investments, funds of international organizations, donors and funds, and other sources not prohibited by law. . Involvement of private investments in the financing of measures provided for in the state program will be encouraged.

As it can be seen, the perfect document defined by the head of state regarding the new development of Nakhchivan in the next 5 years is the modern strategic development concept of the autonomous republic.

Looking at the innovations envisaged in the state program, it can be said with full reason that the current challenges will be the impetus for further development and advancement of Nakhchivan. The purpose of the document is to ensure the acceleration of socio-economic development of Nakhchivan and its full integration into the country’s economy by ensuring sustainable economic growth and improving the living standards of citizens. As a result of the implementation of this important document, the comprehensive progress of Nakhchivan will break the heart of the enemy. Because as a result of the implementation of the projects, a modern, new Nakhchivan will emerge.

The 11 priority directions of this document, which is considered a modern road map of the autonomous republic, are creation of a favorable business environment, development of trade, increase of electricity production and export, development of export-oriented industry, increase of production and processing of agricultural products, development of tourism, further improvement of infrastructure provision, social sector its successful implementation on development, human capital development, institutional development, strengthening of environmental protection, will certainly ensure the achievement of great achievements, and with this, a new era of Nakhchivan’s rise will begin.

The guarantor of the comprehensive rise of the autonomous republic

History proves that the rise of Azerbaijan’s regions took place precisely with the implementation of the state programs for socio-economic development defined by President Ilham Aliyev. As a country that has ensured its economic independence, Azerbaijan has not postponed any of its socio-economic projects. The development of regions has always been the priority of the President. The head of state personally took an interest in the implementation of the projects implemented in connection with the state programs defined by him and gave his assignments and advice. The President’s 5-year state program for the development of Nakhchivan is also calculated for the comprehensive development of the autonomous republic.

Based on this state program, very important projects will be implemented in Nakhchivan and new socio-economic infrastructures will be created in the autonomous republic. According to the state program, it is planned to create a free economic zone in Nakhchivan where tax incentives will be applied.

The first such center in our country was established in Alat. The decision to establish the Alat Free Economic Zone was adopted in 2017, and the relevant law was adopted in 2018. Despite the great economic and financial difficulties caused by the pandemic in the world, on July 1, 2021, the foundation of the Alat Free Economic Zone was laid with the participation of President Ilham Aliyev. On June 9 of this year, the opening ceremony of the first stage of the economic zone was held with the participation of President Ilham Aliyev. Alat Free Economic Zone is one of the real foundations of Mr. President’s policy aimed at developing Azerbaijan as a country with an internationally competitive and stable, diversified and export-oriented economy. As a result of the implementation of this project, more foreign investment will be attracted to Azerbaijan and new jobs will be created. The creation of a free economic zone in Nakhchivan will certainly attract the attention of foreign investors. Because according to the state program, the railway infrastructure in Nakhchivan will be renewed due to the opening of the Zangezur corridor. Convenient and reliable delivery of goods to the address through the corridor in a short time will attract the attention of businessmen.

In addition, “Nobel Energy” company will build a 400 MW solar power plant in Nakhchivan. The electricity produced here will be partially exported to Turkey. The construction of the solar power plant, which will be located in Nakhchivan, will be implemented as part of the government’s systematic efforts to promote clean energy and reduce carbon emissions by creating “green energy” zones in the country.

An export-oriented industrial area, agricultural parks and industrial parks will also be created in the autonomous republic. According to the document, foreign export of products produced in industrial parks will be stimulated, state support and investments will be attracted to competitive industries that contribute to the increase of export potential, resource and service provision will be strengthened in this area with innovations, as well as public-private partnership. At the same time, the possibilities of creating industries based on the existing natural resources and raw material base will be expanded.

In order to strengthen food security, local production potential, infrastructure provision will be developed, and the creation of agricultural parks will be encouraged. With this, by increasing the level of provision of the means of production of agriculture, the level of accessibility to the relevant means of production will be increased, consulting and training services will be organized in order to increase the knowledge and skills of farmers.

Ilham Aliyev will turn Nakhchivan into an important transport hub of Eurasia

Another important issue mentioned in the state program is the supply of natural gas to Nakhchivan. According to the document, in order to reduce the risks in the natural gas supply of the autonomous republic, a pipeline will be built for natural gas transportation from Turkey to Nakhchivan.

In addition, in order to improve the quality of internet services, ensure security, stability and continuity of services, the fiber-optic main network in Nakhchivan will be renewed by linking it with Turkey, the population’s access to quality internet services will be facilitated, and measures related to the development of mobile communication will be implemented.

According to the state program, city master plans will be prepared in Nakhchivan, relevant projects will be implemented to develop transport infrastructure, including improving the quality of public transport services, a tourism atlas will be prepared, an English-speaking high school will be created, a new boarding school will be built, and modern private educational and medical institutions will be opened. The goal is to improve the population’s access to quality education and medical services.

As you can see, there will be revolutionary innovations in the socio-economic development of Nakhchivan. The opening of the road between Nakhchivan and Azerbaijan after the opening of the Zangezur Corridor means that the one-mile blockade will be abolished. This corridor will give a positive impulse to the activity of the free economic zone. With the opening of the Zangezur corridor, Nakhchivan will become one of the main transport hubs connecting Europe and Asia. This will ensure that Nakhchivan is connected to Europe by passing through Turkey from the west, and to Asian countries via Iran-Turkmenistan from the east.

In addition, there will be a special revival in the economic relations of the member states of the Organization of Turkic States. 14 years ago, on October 3, 2009, based on the agreement signed in Nakhchivan, the trade relations of the friendly and brotherly states of the Turkic Council (now known as the Organization of Turkic States) will be further diversified and expanded through the Zangezur corridor. The provision of low-cost flights from different regions of Azerbaijan in the state program will open favorable opportunities for connecting Nakhchivan with other regions of our country.

Based on the priorities of the new state program prepared according to the development concept of President Ilham Aliyev, we can say that the 30-year blockade of Nakhchivan will be ended as a result of the implementation of the planned projects. As a result of the opening of the Zangezur corridor, the creation of a free economic zone, the construction of a natural gas pipeline from Turkey and the implementation of other revolutionary projects, Nakhchivan will not only get out of the grip of the blockade, but will also gain great dividends by getting opportunities to connect with the country and the world economy network. All this will give a great impetus to the development of Nakhchivan’s non-oil industry. From the industrial products produced in the autonomous republic, salt, mineral water, organic fruit and vegetable products will be exported to the world markets under the “Made in Azerbaijan” brand.

We can confidently say that the state program defined by the President will be the perfect basis for the comprehensive progress and innovative rise of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. The new Nakhchivan model authored by Mr. Ilham Aliyev will soon be recognized as one of the most perfect examples of regional socio-economic development and construction on a global scale.