Europe recognizes that Azerbaijan is an important country in the region


“Today Azerbaijan is in the spotlight of the world with its favorable geographical position, location on regional and international transport routes, natural resources, economic power and the importance of projects authored by it. Today, there is Azerbaijan on the political map of the world that without its support, without taking into account its opinion, it is impossible to discuss and resolve any regional processes.

It is for this reason that our country is definitely represented and acts as the main voice on the platforms where global negotiations on any topic are held. Of course, it is the political strategy authored by Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and the wise management of our head of state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, that gave Azerbaijan this status. Today, the projects that seemed utopian for some, and whose implementation was hesitant even by the most professional experts, are being challenged in the world today. “Mr. Ilham Aliyev, with his determination, competence, political knowledge and ability, managed to turn Azerbaijan into a country that fully meets the new challenges of the modern world.”

 Chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev said in his statement to mass media.

“On June 1, the opening ceremony of the 2nd summit of the European political union was held in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova, and the head of state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, also attended the event. I would like to note that when we look at the subject of the discussion, it becomes clear that the issues of ensuring peace and security, strengthening energy security are also extremely relevant for our country, and these areas are a priority for Azerbaijan.

Chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev said in his statement to mass media.

“On June 1, The Opening Ceremony of the 2nd summit of the European political union was held in Kishineu, the capital of Moldova, and the head of state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, also attended the event. I would like to note that when we look at the subject of the discussion, it becomes clear that the issues of ensuring peace and security, strengthening energy security are also extremely relevant for our country, and these areas are a priority for Azerbaijan.

I reminded that Azerbaijan, which was subjected to the occupation policy of Armenia for many years and suffered from separatism, constantly appealed to the world and made efforts for peace and security. He stated that violation of the principles of international law, dual approaches, indifferent relations can lead to more bitter consequences and global conflicts. Today, the world, including Europe, is facing this problem, and its serious consequences are expanding. Therefore, all this has once again revealed how right Azerbaijan is in time”, said the chairman of ATUC.

“As for the energy security issue on the agenda, Azerbaijan is at the forefront of this field. It is known that Europe is currently experiencing an energy crisis, and our country’s highly defined energy policy plays a key role in overcoming this crisis. Of course, the participation of President Ilham Aliyev, who pursued such a successful policy and initiated effective projects, at the summit of the “European political union”and the study of Azerbaijan’s experience on the subject were necessary,” said the MP.

The chairman of the ATUC added that within the framework of the visit of our head of state to Chisinau, holding meetings with Moldovan President Maya Sandu, Prime Minister Dorin Rechan and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and discussing bilateral issues is important from the point of  view of the development of Azerbaijan’s relations with these countries.