CJSC “Kurort” awarded medical workers


“Kurort” Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) held an event on the occasion of June 17 – Medical Workers’ Professional Day.

The event was attended by medical staff working in sanatoriums and spa facilities under the Society.

The speakers congratulated the medical workers, talked about the importance of the holiday, the date of its establishment and its purpose, the steps taken by the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev for the development of the health sector, and the decrees and orders signed by him.

The head of the organization department, Kübra Jabarova, talked about the state of health care and development indicators in our country, the attention of our state to this field, the management of Azerbaijani health care, strengthening the material and technical base of medical institutions, the introduction of new medical technologies, fundamental personnel reforms and other measures taken in this field. he emphasized that it has risen to the level of advanced countries of the world.

He noted that the restoration of hospitals and the construction of new ones, the provision of free medicines and preparations to our citizens, the organization of their treatment, the commissioning of new medical centers in the regions, as well as the coverage of children with medical services are the results of the reforms carried out in the field of health care under the leadership of our head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev.

In his speech, President of Kurort Closed Joint Stock Company Abil Agasiyev spoke mainly about the activities of the Society, the conditions created in sanatoriums and spa establishments, the high level of organization of patient treatment, and the selfless work of doctors and other medical workers working there.

He said that every year thousands of local and foreign guests go to our sanatoriums and resorts to protect and strengthen their health and receive normal and high-quality treatment: “Our facilities have been renovated on modern bases in recent years, the material and technical base has been significantly strengthened, and the most modern medical technologies are applied here”.

After the speeches, musical groups consisting of organizers of cultural and mass events working in the sanatoriums of the Society gave speeches with a concert program. Also, art representatives invited to the event performed dance and music numbers.

At the event, a video about the history and development path of spa tourism, made on the basis of the footage taken from the gold fund of Azerbaijan television, was shown.

Then, medals were presented to the employees of the Society who were awarded with the “30th anniversary badge of ATUC”.

At the end of the event, a group of employees of the society was awarded with a certificate of honor, a medal and a monetary award.