The Brussels meeting reflected the political will of Azerbaijan


“We can say that the tripartite meeting held in Brussels on May 14 ended with a complete diplomatic victory of Azerbaijan. First of all, let me emphasize that, if you remember, the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, has repeatedly stated that he refuses the Brussels format. But this attempt of his failed, and he was forced to withdraw from his position and go to Brussels by the dictates of the winning side.

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

“Also, Armenia insisted on the participation of France in the next meeting to be held. The last meeting confirmed that Azerbaijan did not leave France behind the table, which took a disruptive position and tried to block the path to peace, and had to watch the official Paris process from its own country, and its intention remained in sight. Of course, France’s goal is clear, it tries to strain relations with its repeated approaches. He thinks that he has power in the world and has the ability to influence the processes taking place in the South Caucasus. But he forgets that Azerbaijan is the leader of the region, a winning country and has the main say in the ongoing negotiations. Also, Emmanuel Macron’s irrelevant domestic and foreign policies, including the reforms he wants to implement in his country, which do not meet the interests of the people and cause protests, have led to the almost complete loss of France’s prestige both within the European Union and in the world. At such a moment, France had no right to act as a party in this meeting, and Azerbaijan did not allow it unequivocally,” said the chairman of the ATUC.

According to him, the points contained in the statement of the President of the Council of the European Union Charles Michel on the results of the Brussels meeting fully meet the interests of Azerbaijan and are the next diplomatic success of our country at the negotiating table: “An agreement was reached on the continuation of the meetings on delimitation, as well as the “Alma-Ata Declaration” and Commitment to the inviolability of Armenia’s 29,800 square kilometers and Azerbaijan’s 86,600 square kilometers has been demonstrated. This once again shows that Armenia recognizes Karabakh as the territory of Azerbaijan. Also, the opening of communications, the restoration of economic relations, the handing over of Azerbaijani soldiers who strayed to the side of Armenia, the fate of missing persons, the clearing of mines and other issues for discussion show the unchanging position of Azerbaijan, the diplomatic skills and political will of our head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev. The Armenian side should also understand that all efforts of Azerbaijan are aimed at peace and this is the most optimal way out. It is time to give up meaningless dreams, it is necessary to accept new realities.”