ATUC provides food aid to more than 7,000 families


On May 5, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, the founder of the modern independent Azerbaijan state, the savior of our people, a caravan of cars filled with food for 4,500 low-income families living in the regions of the Republic, including families of martyrs and veterans, was sent off by the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation.

In addition, food was supplied to 2,500 families of the same category living in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. In addition to ATUC, trade unions also provide food assistance to families of the category we mentioned in all regions. It should be noted that the total number of families provided with assistance has reached 65 thousand.

In an interview with journalists, the Chairman of ATUC, MP of the Milli Majlis, Sattar Mohbaliyev, said that taking care of citizens, as well as taking care of the families of martyrs and veterans, war participants, low-income families, and providing the necessary financial and moral support is an important component of the social policy of our state: “Along with our state, our country leading public organizations also support such humanitarian projects and care for people belonging to the mentioned category. As in every field, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation is distinguished by its exemplary activity in this direction as well. Thus, on the initiative of the president of the Foundation, Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, gifts are sent to families of martyrs, veterans, low-income families on holidays and significant days for our state, and holiday tables are organized for them. “Azerbaijani trade unions are also among the main participants of the mentioned social projects.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev reminded that based on the decisions of the Executive Committee, 3,900 in April 2020, 3,900 in March 2021, 4,000 in May, 4,065 in March 2022, 4,500 in November, 4,500 in December, 4,500 in March, 2023 and food was sent to 4,650 families of martyrs and veterans, as well as low-income families. Our next food aid was organized on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev. He is a powerful personality who successfully brought his people out of the complex historical and political trials of the time and achieved independence through consistent struggle. The people of Azerbaijan entered the new century and the new millennium precisely in the light of Heydar Aliyev’s intelligence. Modern Azerbaijan, which confidently moves forward on the path of continuous improvement, is a celebration of Heydar Aliyev’s ideas.”