ATUC chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev attended Congress of European Trade Unions Confederation


On May 23-26, the Congress of the European Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC) was held in Berlin, Germany.

About 400 delegates attended the event. Our country was represented at the Congress by a delegation led by the chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, vice-president of the International Confederation of Trade Unions and the Pan European Regional Council Sattar Mohbaliyev.

First, the host, chairman of the United Trade Unions of Germany Yasmin Fahimi, welcomed the guests and announced the event open. In his speech, he spoke about the processes taking place in the world, including the Russian-Ukrainian war and its impact on Europe, the consequences of COVID-19 in the socio-economic sphere. He said that some laws should be amended in the European Union, and it is necessary to create an economy so that everyone is satisfied with it. For this, more close and joint work should be carried out with social partners.

Then, German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholts, vice-president of the European Parliament Evelyn Regner, President of the European Economic and Social Committee Oliver Röpke and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen made speeches.

At the Congress, Esther Lynch was once again elected secretary general of the European Confederation of Trade Unions.

It should be noted that the European Confederation of Trade Unions represents 41 million workers in 45 countries.

ATUC chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev, Secretary General of European Trade Unions Confederation Esther Lynch, Director General of International Labour Organization Gilbert F.Houngbo held meetings with chairman of the United Trade Unions of Germany Yasmin Fahimi, chairman of the Confederation of all-union unions of Greece Giannis Panagopoulos and others, and discussed bilateral relations.