A sub-regional seminar is being held in Baku under the joint organization of ATUC and ILO


On May 3, a sub-regional seminar entitled “Combating climate change in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and a just transition to a cleaner, sustainable world” was started in Baku, jointly organized by the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (ATUC) and the International Labor Organization (ILO).

At the seminar, Ilyas Aliyev, the first deputy chairman of the ATUC, Sergius Glovaskas, the ILO representative for Europe and Central Asia, as well as ILO officials – Lene Olsen, Cristina Martinez and Lilia Kachkinbayeva, representatives of the relevant institutions of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, as well as employees of the Confederation’s member organizations.

The workshop will focus on identifying national challenges and opportunities related to climate change and the transition to an environmentally sustainable economy and society for all, explaining the responsibilities of trade unions in climate change and just transition issues, developing trade union policies and action plans, etc. implies that.

Green workplaces in the future, protection of existing workplaces during the promotion and organization of decent work in such conditions, duties of trade unions in this matter, tasks to be done during ensuring a fair transition, identification of employees, measures to be implemented are the main topics of discussion of the seminar.

Ilyas Aliyev spoke about the relevance of the topic, global climate change, the crisis caused by it, its serious impact on people’s lives, causing mass displacements, threats to peace and security in the world and the ways out of it. He also spoke extensively about the work done by ATUC in this aspect.

He noted that as a result of the conducted research, the Confederation concluded that the principle of “Green jobs” is a “fair” way in which the necessary assistance is provided to those affected by climate change and new opportunities are created by employers, employees and their organizations, as well as other organizations and institutions operating in the social field. “pass” is required. Also, new, comprehensive political measures should be taken to develop viable enterprises, stimulate the process of job creation, equal opportunities for men and women, increase the level of education and professional training of workers, improve social security and facilitate the transition process. The vice-chairman of ATUC stressed the importance of tripartite social dialogue and collective negotiations to achieve all these.

After that, ILO representative Sergius Glovaskas spoke about climate change and its consequences, and informed about ILO’s action plan in this direction.

Then the seminar started its work, there were presentations on climate changes, speeches were made, extensive discussions were held, the questions of the participants were answered, and opinions and suggestions were heard.

The seminar will continue until May 5.