A literary and artistic evening was held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Heydar Aliyev


A literary and artistic evening was held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev at the Azerbaijan State Academic Philharmonic named after Muslim Magomayev by the Republican Committee of the Health Workers Trade Union.

Minister of Health Teymur Musayev, Chairman of the Board of the State Agency for Compulsory Medical Insurance Zaur Aliyev, Executive Director of the Management Union of Medical Territorial Units Vugar Gurbanov, Deputy Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan Agil Dadashov, Rector of the Azerbaijan Medical University Garay Garaybeyli, Republican Diagnostic Center director Ogtay Shiraliyev, deputy of the Milli Majlis, director of the Oncology Clinic of Azerbaijan Medical University Ahliman Amiraslanov, heads of a number of medical institutions operating in Baku, chairmen of trade union committees and active union members participated.

At the event hosted by the students of Azerbaijan Medical University, a video about the life and activities of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, his attention and concern for health care was shown, and music dedicated to the great leader was played.