The United Trade Union Committee held a conference on the Day of Labor Protection


The Ministry of Agriculture and the United Trade Union Committee of the institution jointly held a conference on “Labor protection in the agricultural field” dedicated to April 28 – World Labor Protection Day.

The conference was dedicated to labor safety in state and private enterprises operating in the agricultural sector.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Chairman of Agrarian Services Agency Anar Azimov, Coordinator of International Labor Organization for Azerbaijan Yashar Hamzayev and Chairman of United Trade Union Fuad Mammadov spoke about labor protection and safety and the need to create decent working conditions.

It was stated that control and preventive measures aimed at ensuring labor safety at workplaces should be strengthened, and practical work should be carried out to ensure a high level of labor protection in enterprises.

It should be noted that panel meetings and discussions were held within the framework of the conference.

In the end, Agrarian Services Agency, Shamakhi viticulture and nursery enterprise, “P-Agro” cotton production enterprise were awarded for their exemplary activity in the field of labor safety.