The best enterprises of 2022 were awarded by ATUC


On April 28,  Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (AHIK) held an awarding ceremony for the winners of the republic competition “The best enterprise (organization) of 2022 for creating healthy and safe working conditions” dedicated to the World Labor Protection Day.

At the World Labor Protection Day in 2023, set by the International Labor Organization (ILO), held under the motto “Healthy and safe working conditions in the labor sphere as a basic principle and right”, the Chairman of ATUC, Member of the Milli Majlis, Sattar Mohbaliyev, labor and population’s social Deputy Minister of Defense Anar Aliyev, President of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mammad Musayev, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency Natig Hasanov, ILO Coordinator for Azerbaijan Yashar Hazayev, AHIK member and chairmen of subordinate organizations, heads of enterprises that won the competition, media representatives and other persons participated.

Speaking at the event, Sattar Mohbaliyev first spoke about the life and activities of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, state building policy, rescue mission, as well as the achievements, economic power, and successful international policy of our country under the leadership of our head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev. Then the chairman of the AHIK said that during 2022, the technical labor inspectors of trade unions together with the public commissioners for labor protection carried out public inspections in 313 enterprises and organizations, discovered 1212 violations, and 89% of them were eliminated: “As a result, 39 technological the equipment and the machine were brought into compliance with safety standards and regulations, and the working conditions of  251 people were improved.

The number of injured persons decreased by 31% from 126 to 88 persons during the year in the enterprises included in the service circle of trade unions, and the number of people who died due to accidents increased from 17 to 18 persons. Thanks to the public control of the proper and purposeful spending of the funds allocated for the implementation of labor protection measures by technical labor inspectors of the field trade union committees and labor protection commissions, 349 measures were held, the number of certified workplaces increased to 90%, and the number of employees undergoing medical examination was 92. reached %. In order to better organize propaganda work in the field of labor protection, 7 new labor protection offices and 73 corners were created, thereby increasing the number of cabinets to 37 and the number of corners to 710. Despite the implementation of all these measures, the financial resources allocated to labor protection in enterprises decreased by 9.5% compared to the previous corresponding period, and by 11.3% per employee.

Sattar Mohbaliyev said that according to the information of the ILO, 2-2.3 million people lose their lives in production every year. Of them, 300,000 people die as a result of industrial injuries, and 1.7 – 2 million people die from various occupational diseases.

According to him, there are still workplaces that do not meet the requirements of modern standards, do not meet any rules and guidelines in the applied technological processes. One of the goals we set before us is to create workplaces in accordance with the norms in these enterprises.

Other speakers talked about the economic indicators of Azerbaijan, the achievements made in all fields, the work done in the direction of labor protection, healthy and safe working conditions in our country, the steps taken by relevant institutions, including trade unions, in order to prevent accidents, industrial injuries, and occupational diseases.

Then diplomas and gifts were presented to 48 enterprises representing trade unions in 23 fields, which won the competition.

For your information, let us add that in 2022, only 48 out of more than 2150 enterprises, organizations, workshops and areas that participated in the competition to the competition commission of AHIK in connection with the motto “The best enterprise (organization) of the year for the creation of healthy and safe working conditions” the document of the best enterprise entered. The high indicators of those 48 organizations were determined and discussed by the Executive Committee, and they were unanimously declared the winners.

It should be noted that the competition for the title of “The best enterprise (organization) of the year in creating healthy and safe working conditions” has been held every year since 2009 at the initiative of ATUC. The purpose of the competition is to create healthy and safe working conditions for employees, to increase the responsibility of those responsible for this area, and to make employers approach labor protection issues more carefully. During the past period, more than 22,000 enterprises and organizations participated in the competition, 530 of them were declared winners and awarded with honorary certificates and gifts.