The author of the most powerful Azerbaijan in its history and its most magnificent Victory


April 11, 2018 – five years have passed since Mr. Ilham Aliyev was elected the next time as President. Our head of state, who received the mandate of trust from the people again five years ago, achieved such large-scale successes in a short period of time that this period is regarded as the most magnificent page of pride in the history of Azerbaijan.

Five years ago, 8 candidates participated in the 8th official presidential elections held in our country. The People of Azerbaijan showed organization for the re-election of the worthy successor of Heydar Aliyev, who brought Azerbaijan from darkness to a bright tomorrow and defined the concept of development, and Mr. Ilham Aliyev once again confirmed that he is the irreplaceable Leader by winning the votes of the absolute majority of the voters in the elections held in transparent, free and democratic conditions.

 Important successful indicators of the last 5 years

It is a fact that Azerbaijan has achieved unprecedented great success in the last 20 years. If the National Leader Heydar Aliyev returned to power in Azerbaijan for the second time at the insistence of the people and took the country from the abyss and put his name on the path of new development from recession, President Ilham Aliyev continued this strategy of saving both the most powerful state in its history and the two-century conflict, As a mighty commander who ended the 30-year war with victory, he raised his eternal statue in the hearts of the people.

If we look at the past 5 years from 2018, we will witness the great economic and social reforms implemented by President Ilham Aliyev, a new development strategy, and global scale projects. Let’s take a short excursion into history and take a look at the important achievements of the last 5 years in chronological order:

– Ilham Aliyev, who was re-elected as President in 2018, called that year “the year of deep reforms” and started socio-economic and structural reforms;

– One of the most spectacular projects was the opening ceremony of the “Southern Gas Corridor”;

– “Azerspace-2”, the 3rd satellite of Azerbaijan, one of the few space nations, was launched into orbit;

– TANAP gas pipeline was commissioned;

– Alat International Trade Port began to operate;

– Our army gained a great advantage in the Battle of Gunnut in Nakhchivan;

– The partnership priorities document between the European Union and Azerbaijan was initialed;

– In 2019, the XVIII Summit Meeting of the heads of state and government of the member countries of the Non-Aligned Movement was held in Baku. The chairmanship of the organization passed to Azerbaijan.

– The part of the TANAP gas pipeline connecting to Europe was opened;


– “Shimal-2” power plant was put into operation;

– The President’s big package of social reforms was accepted;

– The problematic loans of the country’s population were resolved;

– The population of Azerbaijan reached 10 million people;

– In the “Doing Business-2019” report of the World Bank, Azerbaijan moved up 32 places and ranked 25th among 190 countries. According to this document, our country was among the 10 most reforming countries;

– In February 2020, elections to the 6th convocation Milli Majlis were held;

– On the initiative of President Ilham Aliyev, a special session of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States (now known as the Organization of Turkic States) on the fight against COVID-19 was organized;

– On the initiative of President Ilham Aliyev, a special meeting of the UN was called to combat the global pandemic;

– The greatest Victory of our history was won. President Ilham Aliyev put an end to the 30-year conflict and wrote his name in the history of Azerbaijan as the Victorious Commander-in-Chief, Victorious Commander;

– Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur economic regions were established by the President’s Decree in 2021;

– By the order of the head of state, Shusha was declared the cultural capital of Azerbaijan;

– The Fuzuli-Shusha highway, called “Victory Road” by President Ilham Aliyev, was commissioned;

– The Shusha Declaration on alliance relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkey was signed;

– President Ilham Aliyev was presented with the Supreme Order of the Turkic World;

– The Great Return was launched in 2022. 86 families from Agali village of Zangila returned to their homes after 30 years;

– “Agreement on strategic partnership in the field of development and transmission of “green energy” between the governments of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania and Hungary” was signed in Romania. According to the agreement, Azerbaijan will build an energy line under the Black Sea to Europe; – New socio-economic infrastructures were built and put into use in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur;

All this is the result of President Ilham Aliyev’s rich political activity of the past 5 years, his independent policy, global projects, socio-economic reforms, and army building.

The glorious Victory won in the 44-day Patriotic War in 2020 was the pinnacle of the achievements of Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev during his presidency. With this great Victory, Mr. Ilham Aliyev once again demonstrated the military and economic power of Azerbaijan to the world.

Sustainable reforms and new development strategy

 Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who won the presidential elections held on April 11 five years ago, expressed his gratitude to the people who gave him a mandate of trust at the swearing-in ceremony in the Milli Majlis, and declared that the citizen of Azerbaijan will be at the center of his politics from now on.

Mr. Ilham Aliyev said that progressive reforms and socio-economic projects will be implemented in order to further improve the socio-economic status and well-being of the country’s citizens, as a President who is true to his promise and his word, thereby defining the roadmap for future success. The head of state stated that there are very clear plans and programs related to the work to be done in the next years, which guarantee the rapid development of Azerbaijan. It is with these projects that Azerbaijan will become an even more powerful country.

The first decree signed by the honorable head of state, who always takes important decisions in the direction of solving the social problems of the population, after the presidential election, was in the direction of solving the social problems of the families of martyrs. According to the decree, 11 thousand manats were paid by the state to more than 18 thousand heirs of 12 thousand martyrs.

The President, who is always with the people, interested in their problems and concerns, won the trust of the absolute majority once again with the policy he implemented.

On May 24, 2018, the President of Azerbaijan, who is an example of his humanism and is able to forgive, signed a decree on pardoning a number of convicted persons on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. The order was applied to 634 people. 607 persons sentenced to imprisonment were released from the unserved part of the sentence. The freedom given to 634 people was a joy for hundreds of families. We should especially note that President Ilham Aliyev on most holidays. He gives new life to people by signing amnesties on important days.

The successful results of the economic reforms carried out by the President of Azerbaijan determined the adoption of social packages. The social packages prepared by the head of state created a real basis for the increase of pensions, allowances, pensions, wages, social assistance and other social payments of millions of people.

Along with the economic reforms, the President’s political and structural reforms played an important role in creating a more flexible management structure. With these reforms, the state ensured transparency in the management system and formed a new style of management. In particular, the appointment of young personnel to important positions is considered as an indicator of the President’s trust in young people. The head of state has always trusted the youth of Azerbaijan and spared them his support. The country’s youth have successfully fulfilled their duties as promoters of the President’s policy at all times.

In general, during all reforms, President Ilham Aliyev takes thoughtful steps and makes decisions taking into account the interests of the people and the state, and the national interest. Also, by giving great importance to the society’s attitude to reforms, it calculates with the people’s opinion, taking into account the approvals and dissatisfactions, and takes them as the basis of its activities. That’s why the people show their support for the President by valuing the innovations and changes implemented by the President.

As for structural reforms, the new political course implemented by the President serves to further improve the management system. In a short period of time, the reforms carried out in the Presidential Administration, the Cabinet of Ministers, other state institutions, and local executive authorities served to optimize the structures of the mentioned institutions. Of course, since all structures were reformed, this process could not bypass the Supreme Legislature. The elections to the Milli Majlis were also part of these reforms.

The 6th convocation of the elections held in February 2020 also determined important challenges for the Milli Majlis. Speaking at the first session of the Milli Majlis, President Ilham Aliyev analyzed the challenges before the parliament and gave relevant recommendations. The head of state indicated that priority should be given not to quantity but to quality, to work in accordance with the requirements of the modern era, to analyze the existing legislative base and to be proactive.

After the parliamentary elections, the election of an opposition representative to the leadership of the newly formed Milli Majlis was an indication that the large-scale reforms carried out by the Azerbaijani authorities in this direction will be continued. This, of course, should be considered first of all as a part of the reforms that lead to a new configuration of the political system.

The war with two enemies, the great Victory and the national priorities of new development

2020 was also a testing year for public administration systems. Because the world faced an unprecedented global crisis. Most countries tried to use all possible means to protect the health of citizens and the economy. But the global pandemic crisis almost collapsed the world economy.

The negative effects of measures taken to combat the pandemic and the protection of human health on the economy of any country have been shown. Of course, this situation did not escape Azerbaijan, which is a part of the world. However, despite this, the preventive measures implemented by President Ilham Aliyev, who always put the country’s citizens at the center of his policy, did not have a serious impact on the country’s economy. The head of state, who once again proved his commitment to his promise during the crisis, took care of his citizens by providing social packages during the fight against the pandemic. The salary of the non-working citizen was paid by the state. The fact that no social project has been postponed in the country, and that important decisions have been made in the direction of improving the social well-being of citizens has shown that the state of Azerbaijan is capable of overcoming any crisis, as Mr. Ilham Aliyev said. In the period of the pandemic, covering nearly 5 million people with a wide social package, providing wages to 900,000 people working in the public sector and unemployed, providing necessary financial support to 760,000 entrepreneurs, and paying 600,000 people 190 manats per month is a real confirmation of this.

The work done by President Ilham Aliyev in dealing with the global crisis was shown by the World Health Organization as an example to many countries. In a short time, a mask production factory was opened in the country, modular hospitals were built, and vaccines were brought to the country. President Ilham Aliyev fought against “vaccine nationalism” as the chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement, and most countries of the world supported this initiative of the President of Azerbaijan.

The Azerbaijani Army started large-scale operations in response to the next provocations of Armenia, which occupied our lands for 30 years, while the fight against the indomitable enemy, which gripped the world and caused the death of hundreds of thousands of people, continued. All the military fortifications strengthened by the enemy over the past years were destroyed by the Azerbaijani Army with the “Iron Fist” operation of Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev. The Armenian soldier was forced to throw away his flag and weapon and run away, unable to stand before the brave sons of Azerbaijan.

Of course, this war could not happen. If the leadership of Hayastan had agreed with the position of the President of Azerbaijan regarding the resolution of the conflict, the problem could have been solved without loss to both sides. But the ambitious speeches of the new Prime Minister of Hayastan, Nikol Pashinyan, at international conferences, voicing the stupid opinion that “Karabakh is Armenia” and completely walking away from the negotiation process in Shusha, filled the patience of Azerbaijan. But Nikol Pashinyan had to kneel before the real commander for only 44 days. On November 10, a tripartite Declaration was signed. According to one clause of this document, Hayastan armed units were given time to leave Aghdam, Lachin and Kalbajar. This meant that the victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev suffered the heaviest defeat in the history of Hayastan not only on the battlefield, but also in the political and diplomatic process.

With this glorious Victory, Mr. Ilham Aliyev wrote his name in our history as the author of the most powerful and most magnificent Victory of Azerbaijan. In other words, as the chief architect of the biggest victory won by Azerbaijan in the last 200 years of history, Mr. Ilham Aliyev also became a salve for the people’s 30-year-old unhealed wound.

President Ilham Aliyev stepping foot on Shusha as a Victorious Commander and the shadow of the Azerbaijani flag raised in the capital of our culture falling on Karabakh, made such a mountain in the hearts of the whole world that they still feel its fire.

Muzaffar Sarkarda called out to the world from Shusha and declared that in the modern era we live in, not the principles of law, but the power factor is the most important weapon. Although Azerbaijan took refuge in the justice of international organizations for many years, there was no result, and finally this conflict was resolved by its own strength, the world witnessed who has what power.

With this glorious Victory, Mr. Ilham Aliyev wrote his name in our history as the author of the most powerful and most magnificent Victory of Azerbaijan. In other words, as the chief architect of the biggest victory won by Azerbaijan in the last 200 years of history, Mr. Ilham Aliyev also became a salve for the people’s 30-year-old unhealed wound.

President Ilham Aliyev stepping foot on Shusha as a Victorious Commander and the shadow of the Azerbaijani flag raised in the capital of our culture falling on Karabakh, made such a mountain in the hearts of the whole world that they still feel its fire.

Muzaffar Sarkarda called out to the world from Shusha and declared that in the modern era we live in, not the principles of law, but the power factor is the most important weapon. Although Azerbaijan took refuge in the justice of international organizations for many years, there was no result, and finally this conflict was resolved by its own strength, the world witnessed who has what power.

Unprecedented construction in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur, Great return

After the Great Victory, new realities emerged in the South Caucasus. President Ilham Aliyev, who correctly assessed these realities, stated that the only guarantee of stability in the region is the signing of a peace treaty with Hayastan. Otherwise, the defeated country will still be isolated from all global projects in the region.

In the post-war period, the President of Azerbaijan correctly analyzed the situation and defined a new development strategy. In February 2021, it approved “Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for socio-economic development” and 5 national priorities for the socio-economic development of the country were determined in the next decade – a steadily growing competitive economy, a society based on dynamic, inclusive and social justice, a competitive person. a place of capital and modern innovation, a great return to the liberated territories, a clean environment and a country of “green growth”.

It is noted in the document that the reintegration of territories freed from occupation as a result of the victory into the general economy of the country, benefiting from the opportunities of new international and regional transport and logistics corridors will give a great impetus to the development of Azerbaijan. In this framework, the formation of security, stability, prosperity and mutually beneficial cooperation in the region, as well as the development of economic and trade relations, will further strengthen the role of Azerbaijan, the leading state of the South Caucasus, in determining the general architecture of the regional economy.

Thus, Ilham Aliyev, who returned our lands that had been groaning under the enemy for 30 years with an “iron fist”, began to rebuild Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur with an iron will. The master plans of all cities were approved and the implementation of grand projects was started.

President Ilham Aliyev, who personally supervises the construction processes carried out in the territories freed from occupation, regularly visited the economic regions of Karabakh and East Zangezur, laid the foundations of new facilities, and opened some of them. In 2021, Mr. Ilham Aliyev visited the liberated lands a total of 32 times.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who provided great moral support to Azerbaijan in the 44-day war, and victorious general Ilham Aliyev signed the Shusha Declaration. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur twice (Fuzuli and Zangilan) after the victory and participated in the opening ceremony of various facilities together with his brother Ilham Aliyev.

During the two and a half years after the war, Azerbaijan built modern residential complexes, modern roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, heating and power plants, water lines, administrative buildings, hotels and other socio-economic facilities in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur only for its own economic power. A total of more than 9.7 billion manats have been allocated to the reconstruction works in Karabakh and East Zangezur, which began in 2021, 2022 and 2023. In 2022, President Ilham Aliyev approved the “I State Program on the Great Return to the Territories Freed from Occupation of Azerbaijan”.

One undeniable fact is that the First Vice-President of Azerbaijan, Mehriban Aliyeva, has always been with President Ilham Aliyev, who has implemented all these unprecedented projects, as the biggest supporter and closest comrade-in-arms. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, deeply understanding the responsibility of the mission assigned to her as the first lady, stepped together with Mr. Ilham Aliyev in solving the fateful issues for the country. After the war, the people of Azerbaijan watched the real situation of our lands freed from occupation, the incredible atrocities committed by Armenian barbarians in 30 years, as well as the projects realized in these lands, precisely from the images taken from the camera of Mrs. Mehriban’s phone.

The Heydar Aliyev Foundation headed by Mehriban Aliyeva has invaluable services in the construction works carried out today in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur, especially in the restoration of our religious and cultural monuments, which the barbarians wanted to destroy. Our mosques, cultural and religious monuments are restored by the foundation in our territories freed from occupation, and all this is a clear embodiment of Mehriban Aliyeva’s detailed work in preserving our historical past and her respect for our history and culture.

Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the irreplaceable leader of the winning country, is taking confident steps towards greater victories and achievements by turning Azerbaijan into the country that the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev wanted to see, i.e. the country that rises like the Sun to the world with a new development strategy. The victorious people of the victorious country are closely united around their leader and declare that they are always with the President.


Member of Parliament,

Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan

 “AZERBAIJAN” newspaper