Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva bore both the names of wife and mother with honor


“The prominent scientist Zarifa Aliyeva, who devoted her entire meaningful and honorable life to the development of medical science, made valuable contributions to the development of this field. The innovations he brought to medical science, his effective fight against serious diseases were important not only for the science of ophthalmology, but also for the healthcare of the republic in general. Ms. Zarifa was one of the main people in organizing the fight against the widespread trachoma infectious disease even in the forties of the last century. He went directly to regions where the disease was more widespread, read reports to ophthalmologists, explained treatment methods, and gave educational recommendations. Mrs. Zarifa, who deeply loves her profession and considers people’s health as her main task, succeeds in abolishing trachoma as a social disease. The treatment method proposed by him is soon applied throughout the republic, and as a result, our country is freed from this disease.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

“Ms. Zarifa, who has great spirituality, performed hundreds of surgical operations with her healing hands during her medical career and gave valuable advice to patients. His effective activity was not limited only to the clinic where he worked, but also included all ophthalmology organizations and departments. Also, he conducted pedagogical work with the participants of improvement courses, taught ways to fight eye diseases. His scientific-research works on trachoma and glaucoma diseases are followed with interest by young doctors, and his publication in the press becomes a valuable resource for doctors working in the field of clinical ophthalmology. With his deep knowledge, human qualities, and exemplary behavior, he always had a great reputation among the collectives, scientists, and public representatives of the scientific and medical institutions where he worked. He is the author and co-author of about 150 scientific works, 12 monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, 1 invention, 12 efficiency proposals. All these are valuable resources for the medical science of both the former USSR and Azerbaijan. It is no coincidence that in 1981, Ms. Zarifa was awarded the highest award in the world of ophthalmology for her great contribution to the development of ophthalmology – the academician M.I. Averbakh award of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences – for her scientific research in the field of occupational pathology of the visual organ. Also, Ms. Zarifa was the first woman to receive this award,” said the MP of the Milli Majlis.

“Ms. Zarifa loved her profession and was extremely attached to her family and always held family values high. He always supported Heydar Aliyev, his lifelong friend, the National Leader of the Azerbaijani people, and loved him with great love. He was a valuable example for Azerbaijani families with his family behavior, great respect and love for his wife. Mrs. Zarifa, who is the daughter of the outstanding statesman Aziz Aliyev, the wife of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, the mother of the victorious head of our mighty state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, carried the names of her son, wife, and mother with honor, raising the name of the Azerbaijani woman to the heights. His dear memory will always live in the hearts of our people,” the AHIK chairman emphasized.