Iran has no power to influence the domestic and foreign policy of Azerbaijan


“The adoption of a statement by the Iranian parliament as a protest against the opening of an embassy in Israel by Azerbaijan is completely incomprehensible, does not correspond to political and diplomatic ethics, and is a gross violation of the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of states. Azerbaijan is a completely independent state, with which countries it establishes relations, expands its relations, opens embassies, etc. it is his own decision. The acceptance of such a ridiculous statement by the Iranian parliament reveals the true nature of the mullahs’ regime, which hides under the guise of Islam, but constantly targets Muslims in one form or another. Of course, the forces in power in Iran, that is, the regime of the Persian mullahs, are not sincere in their actions, their words and deeds are incompatible. Although it calls itself an Islamic state, it has always been with the enemies of Islam.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

According to him, Azerbaijan has always preferred good neighborly and friendly relations with Iran, but the position of the Persian mullahs’ regime against us was ambiguous: “Thus, it has always supported the invading Armenia. In this policy, Iran almost never remembered the saying “Muslim is the brother of Muslim” and expanded its relations with the occupying state in all fields. And then, shamelessly speaking about the Islamic brotherhood and solidarity in the world, he constantly faked it. The armed attack on our embassy in Tehran, the terrorist incident against our deputy colleague Fazil Mustafa are directly the dirty and treacherous actions of the Persian regime. They believe that they will be able to influence independent Azerbaijan in such dishonorable ways. But this is impossible.”

“Azerbaijan’s law enforcement agencies are carrying out successful operations in the direction of detecting and prosecuting terrorists who come into contact with Iranian special services with great professionalism. It is clear from the conversations of the arrested that their intention was to create panic in our country, disrupt stability, and establish a false religious state. Of course they are wrong. The Azerbaijani people are a wise nation with a rich past and have come out of difficult trials. He cannot be fooled or intimidated by such games. Today, our nation, which is united like an iron fist around its powerful state and its leader, is moving forward with true confidence to a happier future. “An old regime, which is already old and rotten and cannot keep up with the modern world, does not have the strength to threaten Azerbaijan,” added the chairman of ATUC.