Establishment of border checkpoint on Lachin-Khankendi road is sovereign right of Azerbaijan


“We saw that after the 44-day Patriotic War, which ended with the victory of Azerbaijan, the Armenian side unilaterally violates its obligations and regularly engages in provocations on the conventional border, the separatists among the Armenians living in Karabakh aggravate the situation, and Armenian saboteurs plant mines in our territories. They also abuse the conditions created for them and use the Lachin road for military purposes. Look how many of our soldiers and civilians have died since the end of the Civil War. A few days ago, three more military personnel of our Army were injured in the vicinity of Shusha region as a result of landmines. All this showed that the defeated country will not give up its reactionary intentions.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

According to him, the establishment of a border crossing point by the State Border Service of Azerbaijan on the conventional border with Armenia on the Lachin-Khankendi road was intended to prevent the ugly intentions and actions of the defeated country: “Azerbaijan repeatedly warned the other party and revealed the facts, but still Armenia directly under the protection of “peacekeepers”, he militarized the region and carried out illegal transportation.

This also posed a serious threat to the lives of peaceful Armenians living in Karabakh who wanted to become citizens of Azerbaijan after getting rid of the separatists. In addition, the peaceful life of our civilians who will be transferred to those areas was in great danger. The establishment of a border crossing point at the beginning of the Lachin-Khankendi road will prevent such situations.”

The chairman of the ATUC added that ensuring control over the border crossings of Azerbaijan is its sovereign and inalienable right, Prevention of outside and illegal interference, ensuring national security and the sovereign right of its state.