The March genocide is an example of the wild character of chauvinistic Armenians


“From the time they came to the lands of Azerbaijan, Armenians lived only with insidious intentions, they tried to realize the idea of ​​”Great Armenia”, even if it was ridiculous. According to their treacherous and aggressor characteristics, they carried out ethnic cleansing, deportation and genocide on this road. Whichever page of history we turn to, we will witness the dirty games of Armenian nationalists. Mainly, they became especially active on the eve of political changes and revolutions, they considered the created political vacuum as a favorable moment for themselves, and thus from time to time they became the authors of the black pages of history. One of the bloodiest tragedies they inflicted on our nation is the mass massacres committed with particular cruelty in March-April 1918. As always, this time their targets were mostly civilians. Tens of thousands of civilians were killed due to their ethnic and religious affiliation, settlements, historical cultural monuments, mosques and cemeteries were destroyed. In total, from March 30 to April 3, 1918, more than 30,000 Azerbaijanis were killed by Baku Soviet troops and Dashnak Armenian armed groups in Karabakh, Nakhchivan, Shamakhi, Guba, Khachmaz, Lankaran, Salyan, Zangezur and other areas. 10 thousand people were expelled from their ancestral homeland.

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

“Thousands of Lezgis, Russians, Avars, and Talyshs were among the victims of the genocide committed by the Armenian usurpers. By the way, during those bloody events, up to 3,000 Jews were brutally murdered by Armenian bandits in Ganja, Guba and other regions. They committed these acts with special cruelty. Thus, no bullet holes were found in the skull and other human bones found in Guba. It turned out that all of them were killed with blunt instruments, they were hit in the head with an ax, and their heads were separated from their bodies. Nails were even found in several skulls. This kind of  killing of people is a clear example of predatory, inhumane actions of Armenian nationalists,” said the deputy of  Milli Mejlis.

The chairman of ATUC noted that they tried to make us forget the genocides and massacres committed by Armenians against our compatriots during the Soviet rule, they wanted to tear out such black pages from history and throw them away: “After the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), the curtains were removed from such events. On March 26, 1998, the National Leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev, signed the Decree “On the Genocide of Azerbaijanis”. In the decree, the genocides against Azerbaijanis were officially mentioned for the first time, the roots of the ethnic hostility policy of Armenian chauvinists against the Azerbaijani population were revealed, and the insidious actions of the anti-Azerbaijani forces were politically appreciated. Also, March 31 was declared the Genocide Day of Azerbaijanis by decree.”

“History proves that the character of Armenian nationalists does not change, but they show their brutal, bloodthirsty qualities from time to time. They committed another human crime on the night of February 25-26, 1992. Thus, they razed the city of Khojaly to the ground, killed the elderly, women, and children with particular cruelty in front of the world. Armenians also committed war crimes by targeting peaceful civilians during the 44-day Patriotic War. Ganja, Barda, Mingachevir and other cities were fired with ballistic missiles, phosphorus and cluster bombs. As a result, about 100 civilians were killed and more than 400 civilians were injured,” Sattar Mohbaliyev stressed.

According to him, the response to all the genocides and terrors committed by the Armenian chauvinists was excessive and the revenge was deserved: “But unlike the Armenians, the Azerbaijani Army did it on the battlefield in the 44-day Patriotic War under the leadership of the victorious Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev. The invading army was destroyed by our brave soldiers and officers, and the surviving remnants could save their lives only by running away.