The General Collective Agreement for 2023-2025 was concluded


The Cabinet of Ministers decided “On the conclusion of the General Collective Agreement for 2023-2025 between the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Confederation of Azerbaijan Trade Unions and the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan.”

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan and the National Confederation of entrepreneurs (employers) organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter – the parties) have concluded a general collective agreement (hereinafter-the agreement), which determines the agreed positions and joint activities on socio-economic and Labor Relations for 2023-2025.

The parties believe that as a result of successfully implemented reforms in Azerbaijan, the formation of a pro-social national economy integrated into the world economic system, the preservation of macroeconomic stability,the diversification of the economy, the acceleration of the development of the non-oil sector and regions, and the strengthening of state support for entrepreneurship will significantly reduce the level of poverty and unemployment in the country.  It is a socio-economic policy aimed at reducing unemployment, ensuring employment of the population, opening new jobs, increasing incomes and improving the material well-being of citizens, strengthening the social protection of socially vulnerable population groups, and the realization of these goals constitutes the priority goals of the Agreement.

The agreement is an integral part of the social partnership system and forms the basis for the development and conclusion of agreements.

The parties declare that they will try to develop mutual relations based on the principles of social partnership, regulate social-labor relations through social dialogue, collective agreements and agreements, and will observe the obligations and deals determined by the Agreement.