An event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev was held in secondary school No. 135 named after General A. Shikhlinski


On March 3, 2023, an event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Leader H. Aliyev was held in secondary school No. 135 named after General A. Shikhlinski. Shafa Gurbanova, the director of the school, who opened the event with an introductory speech, gave information about the meaningful and perfect life path of the Great Leader, his struggle for the sake of our people and statehood. He stated that the most important request of the Great Leader to the youth was related to education. High level of educational process, training of teachers and pedagogues meeting modern requirements, material and technical provision of schools were always in the focus of the Great Leader. The event held today in this modern school is also an example of a small tribute to the memory of the Great Leader.

Later, Chairman of ANAS Trade Union, Doctor of Law, Professor Habil Gurbanov, Deputy Director of the Department of Education for Baku City, Honored Teacher, Doctor of Philology Hüseyin Askerov, Head of the “Diplomacy and Foreign Policy” Department of Baku Slavic University, Doctor of History , docent, gave a wide report on the meaningful life path and titanic socio-political activity of Asghar Ahmet Great Leader.

Professor Habil Gurbanov, who was awarded the Order of Honor for his research on the subject of Karabakh-Shusha in the “Year of Shusha” announced by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, stated in his report “Heydar Aliyev and legal state-building” that the precondition for a state to be fair, eternal and strong is its foundation on law.

Professor Habil Gurbanov, who was awarded the Order of Honor for his research on the subject of Karabakh-Shusha in the “Year of Shusha” announced by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, stated in his report “Heydar Aliyev and legal state-building” that the precondition for a state to be fair, eternal and strong is its foundation on law. H. Aliyev always considered legal state building as the main priority of state administration. To implement this in a short time and flawlessly in a newly independent state was a difficult and responsible task that a leader like Heydar Aliyev could handle. The development of the Constitution, legal normative acts, laws, and decrees directing our foreign and domestic policy in our independent republic fell to the life share of this genius. We can say with certainty that the architect of the legal state concept of our dynamically developing state under the wise leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, is Great Leader Heydar Aliyev! Professor Habil Gurbanov, who congratulated everyone on the occasion of the upcoming Novruz holiday, gave 50 Novruz tickets as a gift to elementary school students.