A new development period of Lachin region begins


“Currently, the improvement and construction works are being continued rapidly in all our territories freed from occupation, including in the Lachin region. New roads are built in the region, infrastructure is built, villages and settlements are restored. All work done in a planned and systematic manner is directly under the control of the head of our state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev. During his visit to the region, the President participates in the groundbreaking and opening ceremonies, gets acquainted with the ongoing work, and gives valuable instructions and recommendations. The quality and speed of the works shows once again that a pleasant and prosperous life awaits the residents of Lachin in their ancestral homeland. The international airport under construction in the territory of Lachin is particularly important. Thus, this will help the socio-economic development of both the region and the region, increase tourism opportunities, and lead to the creation of logistics centers. As a result, it will encourage the opening of more jobs and employment of residents.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

“President Ilham Aliyev gave a number of important and concrete tasks while receiving his special representative appointed to Lachin region. The head of state drew attention to the importance of the high quality of the works, environmental protection, and compliance with the law. The President also gave good news to the people of Lachin. Thus, thousands of people will live in the city of Lachin until the end of this year. This shows that the happy life of Lachin people in their homeland is not so far away. It is known that the Great Return program is successfully implemented. At the initial stage, 20 internally displaced families were relocated to Talish village of Tartar region. Of course, each of us watched that scene with great pride, the happy smile on the faces of Talish residents made us very happy. Residents were moved to private houses, they are surrounded by comprehensive state care in their native villages,” said the chairman of the ATUC.

According to him, Azerbaijan performs the reconstruction and restoration works by itself: “It does everything on its own, without receiving any financial assistance, at the expense of its internal capabilities. During the occupation, Armenia caused great destruction in Lachin region, destroyed forests, and even carried out illegal settlements. Such acts are defined  as war crimes in all international conventions, and this crime took place in front of the world community. But, unfortunately, they did not raise their voice even once, they turned a blind eye to all the injustices. The European Parliament, which today passed resolutions against Azerbaijan, was completely silent at that time and did not call the occupier by his name. Now, under the influence of pro-Armenian forces, he adopts senseless and unfair resolutions. Perhaps, thinkers will be able to achieve something with this. Never. As the head of our state Mr. Ilham Aliyev said, no one can influence  our will. Time also shows that Azerbaijan, which has restored justice, is going its own way, successfully continuing its policy based on peace and security in the region.”