With the wise leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the international positions of our country are rising every year


“The international reputation of Azerbaijan, which has ensured sustainable development in all areas of the country’s life, is constantly strengthening. Also, the foreign policy concept of our country based on national interests is giving successful results. By conducting a completely independent policy in the international world, the head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev formed a positive image of our country. Thanks to his decisive position, diplomatic skills, visionary policy, Azerbaijan has become a major voice in the world and the main leading actor of the region. Also, with the time when Azerbaijan was the author, the importance of the big projects and initiatives that seemed to be utopian is increasing for the world. As an example, we can show the projects implemented in the field of energy, which today play an important role in the energy security of Europe as a savior. We can say with certainty that the energy strategy of Azerbaijan prepared by Great Leader Heydar Aliyev has turned our country into a great energy center of the region thanks to the effective work done by his worthy successor, Mr. Ilham Aliyev.

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

According to him, Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s respect for every signature he made as the head of state in every field, including in cooperation with foreign countries, established the image of Azerbaijan as a reliable partner: “For example, our country, which has been exporting energy for many years, has not allowed any delay in supplies, did not change the terms of the contract, fulfilled his obligations with honor. All these approaches and the displayed position have made our country a worthy member of the modern world community. The head of state is invited to any international event held today, to discussions held on various platforms, his views are heard, and his opinions are taken into account. On January 16 of this year, President Ilham Aliyev was invited to the official opening ceremony of the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week in the capital of the United Arab Emirates and made a speech. This shows, on the one hand, the growing role of our state in the world, and on the other hand, the personal reputation of President Ilham Aliyev in the international world. It is known that the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week is an important international platform aimed at accelerating the sustainable development of the world, and the savings made here are very important for the world.”

“Our head of state touched on a number of important points in his speech, including the importance of Azerbaijan’s energy policy. As we know, our country, which has rich oil and gas potential, uses it effectively. Azerbaijan also has great opportunities for alternative and renewable energy. For example, the abundance of windy days on the Absheron Peninsula and the Caspian coast creates fertile conditions for wind energy production. In addition, the prevalence of sunny days in our country opens a wide path for the development of solar energy. As our President announced, our country has a potential of 200 gigawatts in this field. On January 13 of last year, the foundations of the 240 megawatt Khizi-Absheron Wind Power Plant were laid by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s “ACWA Power” company, and on March 15, the foundations of the 230 MW Garadagh Solar Power Plant were laid by the United Arab Emirates’ “Masdar” company. it shows the breadth of the scope of the works carried out in this direction. Also, the favorable investment environment created in our country allows making large investments in this field. We believe that Azerbaijan will become an important supplier of green energy in the near future,” said the member of the Milli Majlis.