The success of our state’s sports policy is increasing year by year


“The Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, who was brought to the leadership of the country at the insistence of the people, determined the development strategy of sports as well as in all fields. In this direction, comprehensive measures were implemented in Azerbaijan and the foundation of great achievements was laid in a short time. Thanks to the attention and care of our head of state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who successfully continued the political course of the Great Leader, the popularity of sports in our country was further ensured, the development of physical education and sports covered the entire territory of the country, and new athletes of world fame were trained. Basically, after Mr. Ilham Aliyev was elected the president of the National Olympic Committee, this situation became widespread in our country, the Olympic movement, sports took an irreversible path of development. We can proudly say that today Azerbaijan is considered one of the leading countries in the world in terms of the level of development of sports. Our athletes achieve great achievements in local, regional and international competitions, represent our country with dignity and raise our tricolor flag.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), deputy of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the media.

According to him, our country has gained the status of a country that reliably organizes international sports competitions: “Formula-1 competitions, the 1st European and lV Islamic Solidarity games, the final stage of the European Women’s Under-17 Championship, as well as three group games and one quarter-final stage of the European Football Championship were organized in our country in a magnificent, exemplary manner and at a professional level. It was appreciated by the international community and the world’s leading sports organizations. All this is based on the successful sports policy of our head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev.”

The deputy of the Milli Majlis emphasized that our athletes who have achieved great success in the field of sports and have represented our country in international competitions are surrounded by comprehensive state care: “They are ceremoniously presented to the public, their achievements are highly appreciated. On January 9, a ceremony dedicated to the sporting results of 2022 was held. The head of State, President of the National Olympic Committee, Mr. Ilham Aliyev  awarded athletes and sports specialists who contributed to the development of sports in our country.This once again shows that the development of sports is a priority direction of state policy in our country. As in previous years, 2022 was also a successful year in the sports life of our country. During the year, our athletes won a total of 837 medals in European and World Championships, Cup Competitions and other official international tournaments. Of these, 356 are Olympic, 384 are non-Olympic and 97 are Paralympic. This is quite a big achievement and it shows that the sports policy of our country is giving successful results.”

“Promotion of sports in our country, interest in this field is increasing year by year. Consistent measures are being taken for young people to grow up in healthy conditions, to stay away from bad habits, and for the comprehensive development of physical education in the country. At present, we do not have a region where there is no Olympic sports complex. It is planned to create sports facilities in Eastern Zangezur and Karabakh, which were freed from occupation. We believe that after the residents return to their homeland, the development of sports will be ensured in that region, and international competitions will be held there. This, along with sports, will make an important contribution to the successful future of tourism in the country, the promotion and development of our culture,” S. Mohbaliyev noted.