The Executive Committee of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan issued a statement regarding the resolution of the European Parliament dated January 19, 2023


The statement reads:

“The day-by-day development of Azerbaijan, the continuous rise of its economic power, its transformation into a leading state in the region, the increase of its influence in the international world, as well as the creation of new realities aimed at the progress of the region by ending the 30-year occupation have begun to seriously disturb a number of circles that have come to the fore, mainly due to their biased positions. For this reason, they take action and try to adopt slanderous and biased resolutions against our country, make stupid statements, and try to discredit Azerbaijan by slandering Azerbaijan with the false information they circulate. We and the entire world community have seen such attempts during the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, which has lasted for many years and is now history. Azerbaijan, which used all possibilities to resolve the former Karabakh conflict within the framework of the territorial integrity of our country only by peaceful means, faced the pressures of the two-state standards. For example, the European Parliament did not raise its voice against Armenia, which occupied Azerbaijan’s lands, and ignored 4 resolutions adopted by the UN regarding the inviolability of the territorial integrity of our country. All kinds of material and moral support was also provided to the aggressor Armenia.

The resolution of the European Parliament adopted on January 19 this year is a continuation of the game of double standards. Thus, the institution’s document contained slanderous anti-Azerbaijan clauses that are unequivocally far from reality. The resolution, based on a lie, claims that Azerbaijan allegedly invaded Armenia militarily, and the road to Lachin is “blocked”. At the same time, the most laughable point in the document is the references to the “Madrid Principles”, which have been completely disrespected and buried in the archives of history.

We – the Executive Committee of the AHIK, on behalf of the Azerbaijani trade unions, unequivocally reject this resolution, as it is irresponsible and unfair, and express our strong objection to it.

We declare that our natural resources are illegally exploited and transported to other countries in the territories of Azerbaijan, where the Russian peacekeeping contingent is temporarily stationed. Also, the ecological situation in those areas is extremely difficult. The exploitation of all natural resources should be carried out on the basis of Azerbaijani legislation. Obstructing the access of representatives of Azerbaijan state institutions and experts to that area for the purpose of monitoring is completely illegal. For this reason, Azerbaijani civil society representatives and ecologists are holding a protest action on the Shusha-Lachin road on humanitarian grounds that do not have any political purpose. Freedom of movement through the action area is regularly ensured. Thus, the humanitarian loads of Russian peacekeepers, representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross, as well as Armenians living in Karabakh, including children and patients, can freely pass through the territory. In short, the news about the closure of the Lachin-Khankendi road and the failure to release security vehicles is misinformation. Therefore, we call on European parliamentarians to be precise.

We bring to the attention of the representatives of the European Parliament that after the Patriotic War, which ended with the brilliant victory of Azerbaijan, the Armenian side tried to continue its aggressive policy and grossly violated the norms and principles of international law, the tripartite declarations signed between the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia, as well as other agreements reached. committed military provocations. Of course, it is the sovereign right of the Azerbaijani state to respond to such actions of the aggressor state, to destroy the legitimate targets that cause danger, and to protect the security of the territorial integrity.

As for the “Madrid principles”, we didn’t call it a laughable point above for nothing. It seems that the Armenian side is more realistic than the European Parliament, understanding the situation, even partially, and understanding the impossibility of returning to the “Madrid principles”. In this situation, the European Parliament, turning to history and turning over the dusty “Madrid Principles”…

On behalf of the Azerbaijani trade unions, we call on the representatives of the European Parliament to be fair and take into account the real situation when expressing their opinion on issues and making important decisions. They should give up the double standards that are still going on, correctly assess Azerbaijan’s goals based on peace and cooperation in the region, and not fall under the influence of the Armenian lobby and pro-Armenian forces.”