On the initiative of President Ilham Aliyev, disabled people and families of martyrs of the January 20 tragedy are fully covered by state care


“Each nation creates its own history, and this history is an indicator of its identity. When we look at the history of the Azerbaijani people, we see a rich history of a perfect nation. It is known that the people of Azerbaijan have left a deep mark in world history with their heroism, struggle, perseverance, and wisdom. The states he created have remained in the memory of history for their peacefulness and humanism. When our people faced harsh trials and were subjected to aggression, they bravely fought against it and did not submit to the occupation. He united closely around his heroic sons and regained his independence and gained a sovereign state. The most glorious period of the national liberation struggle of the Azerbaijani people is the struggle against the Soviet power. Although he was part of the Soviet empire for many years, he did not forget his identity. lived with the dream of independence, fought tirelessly on this path. The pressures and repressions could not break the determination of our people to fight, they confidently advanced towards their highest goal. “Also, our people have defended their dignity by resolutely protesting the hypocritical  plans of the Soviet authorities against our republic at different times.”


Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of Parliament, expressed these views to the mass media.

According to him, on the night of January 19-20, 1990, an alien who protested against the ugly plan of the Soviet authorities to separate Nagorno-Karabakh from Azerbaijan and unite it with Armenia, as well as demanding his independence, was murdered in the capital Baku. He revealed the inner face of the empire that was built and lived on totalitarian foundations and showed it to the whole world. It proved that the Soviet state is a reactionary empire and intervenes with weapons and commits bloody incidents against every protest of the peoples it enslaves. In addition to Baku, civilians were fired upon and killed in the regions as well. In those days, 147 people were killed, 744 people were injured, 841 people were illegally arrested, 200 houses and apartments, 80 cars, including ambulances, were destroyed. state property and private property were destroyed. State, public and private property was damaged in the amount of 5,63,286 rubles at the prices of that period. This bloody event directed against humanity did not scare our people at all, it made them more calm, strengthened their unity, and ignited the spirit of freedom. The event of January 20 also went down in the history of Azerbaijan as the peak of the struggle for independence and freedom. He demonstrated to the world that the sons and daughters of our nation are ready to die for the sake of the Motherland, for free and sovereign living. This is our history of honor, a lesson for future generations and a great example.” this bloody incident directed against humanity did not scare our people at all, it made them more calm, strengthened their unity, and ignited the spirit of freedom. The event of January 20 also went down in the history of Azerbaijan as the peak of the struggle for independence and freedom. He demonstrated to the world that the sons and daughters of our nation are ready to die for the sake of the Motherland, for free and sovereign living. This is our history of honor, a lesson for future generations and a great example.” this bloody incident directed against humanity did not scare our people at all, it made them more calm, strengthened their unity, and ignited the spirit of freedom. The event of January 20 also went down in the history of Azerbaijan as the peak of the struggle for independence and freedom. He demonstrated to the world that the sons and daughters of our nation are ready to die for the sake of the Motherland, for free and sovereign living. This is our history of honor, a lesson for future generations and a great example.”

S.Mohbaliyev said that after the massacre, the Soviet empire completely lost its influence in our Republic, and its social foundations weakened: “With the resistance shown, the empire realized that it is impossible to limit the freedom of a wise people and take away their state. As always, Great Leader Heydar Aliyev stood by the people of Azerbaijan in those difficult times. The day after the incident – on January 21, despite the prohibitions and obstacles created by the Soviet regime, he risked his life and came to the Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan in Moscow and accused the organizers of the bloody tragedy in front of the international community. With his bold words, he exposed the tragedy as a gross political mistake against law, democracy, and humanism, committed because of the fault of Moscow and the leaders of the republic. this is It was an extremely brave step at the time. The Great Leader once again showed that he is always with his people, he is in solidarity with them, he is with his people in difficult times and in happy days. Later, the first political and legal assessment was given to the January 20 events at the initiative of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, who created the modern independent state of Azerbaijan.

The chairman of ATUC noted that our state has always been with the families of the martyrs of January 20 and kept them in mind: “President Ilham Aliyev pays special attention to solving their social issues. With the initiatives of the head of state, an effective social protection system has been formed for persons with disabilities and families of martyrs in connection with the events of January 20. Thus, with the Decree “On establishment of the scholarship of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the family of the martyr of January 20”, a scholarship is given to the families of the martyrs in order to increase the state care. Currently, this amount is 600 manats.

The member of  Parlament added that our victorious nation always remembers the dear memory of the martyrs of January 20 with deep respect, visits the Alley of Martyrs and prays for their souls every year on January 20.