IV stage of Ilham Aliyev’s social reforms


Azerbaijan has fully established the principles of a social state

One of the main strategic tasks of the state policy of Azerbaijan, the most powerful in its history, is social policy. Improving people’s well-being and reducing poverty is the main factor determining the formation of an organized union.

President Ilham Aliyev’s special attention and concern for the social sphere, the decrees and orders he signed, the progressive decisions he made, the social support packages, the implementation of the active and purposeful policy course of our country, which is constantly increasing in economic strength, and the conditions for the coverage of socially sensitive population groups with a reliable protection system created.

President Ilham Aliyev, whose policy is centered on the citizen of Azerbaijan, evaluates this fundamental issue as follows: “Social policy has always been and will be a priority. All the steps taken once again show that Azerbaijan is a social state. At the center of our policy is the citizen of Azerbaijan. The interests of Azerbaijani citizens are above all for us. Implementation of economic reforms in Azerbaijan aims to make people live better.

Social budgets of the last three years

In the new development strategy defined by President Ilham Aliyev for the post-war period after the glorious victory in the Patriotic War, the restoration of Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur, the mobilization of all opportunities for the further strengthening of our victorious army, and the strengthening of social protection of the population remain a priority.

This is once again confirmed by the fact that the attention given to the social protection of the population is reflected in the state budget in the last 3 years and the social support packages regularly prepared by the head of state in this direction.

Of course, after the great victory, the main focus was on the reconstruction of Karabakh and East Zangazur. Azerbaijan started implementing unprecedented projects in our lands, which were freed from occupation only at the expense of its economic power.

At the same time, a country that had come out of the war continued to fight the global pandemic. For this reason, the priority of increasing social spending in the state budget was kept. The increase of social expenses from 38.8 percent to 46 percent in the victory budgets of 2021, 2022 and 2023 is a clear confirmation of this. It is commendable that 15.2 billion manats have been allocated for these purposes in the budget of the current year. This is 1.3 billion manat more than in 2022.

As it can be seen, even after the victory, the social expenditure in the state budget is increased every year. The budget of 2023 was no exception in this regard, and the fact that this year’s budget is also socially oriented shows once again that the main goal of the state is to constantly improve the welfare of the people.

Social reform packages implemented in the past five years

It is commendable that 65 percent of the decrees and orders signed by the President every year are pro-social. This is proven once again by the social reforms implemented in the last 5 years – 2018-2022, signed decrees and orders, sustainable social packages, as well as the social support package determined by the head of state for 2023.

Five years ago – in the presidential elections held in our country in April 2018, the absolute majority of the people again gave Mr. Ilham Aliyev a mandate of confidence and chose him as the leader. The election of Mr. Ilham Aliyev as the President created the conditions for the successful continuation of the dynamic development course achieved by the country in 2003-2018 and important achievements in all fields, including the social field.

Ensuring the welfare of citizens and strengthening the social protection of the population formed the main line of the social policy conducted in our country. Strengthening the social protection of vulnerable groups of the population, especially families of martyrs and war disabled people, was at the forefront of this policy. It is no coincidence that after re-election as the President of the country, the first decree signed by the head of state on April 19 was related to the provision of the next serious support measures for the families of the martyrs. With this document, as well as with the decree signed in January 2019, a new important social protection program was implemented: the heirs of 12 thousand martyrs of military servicemen and employees of internal affairs bodies who were martyred in the battles for the territorial integrity of our country until August 2, 1997 in the amount of 11 thousand manats provided with a one-time payment.

As a result of the two social packages presented in 2019, the minimum wage was increased almost twice from 130 manats to 250 manats, the minimum pension was increased by 72.4 percent from 116 manats to 200 manats.

The pensions, which were established under special conditions related to the salary increase, were significantly increased. Social allowances and pensions increased by 100 percent on average, and pensions for the families of martyrs were increased from 242 manats to 300 manats. The salaries of those working in the public sector increased by 50 percent, and the allowances of internally displaced persons increased by 50 percent. Scholarships for students have increased significantly. 800,000 people’s problem credit worries have ended. The scope of the two social packages in 2019 was 4.2 million people, the annual financial burden was more than 3 billion manats.

Social projects that cannot be postponed against the background of the global crisis

In 2020, Azerbaijan was one of the countries that took preventive measures in the fight against the global pandemic. The state went into lockdowns and struggled with the humanitarian crisis. The projects implemented without delay by President Ilham Aliyev against the backdrop of the pandemic did not have a negative impact on the sustainable development of Azerbaijan.

The global crisis, which faced humanity with a difficult test, made the policy of many states in this direction miserable. Due to the recession of the economy, the implementation of many social projects in most countries has been postponed.

However, there was no obstacle in the implementation of social projects, which were always successfully implemented and never postponed, in Azerbaijan, which saw a decrease of only 2.8 percent in its economy. In other words, the state realized social projects by taking advantage of its economic opportunities even in the conditions of the global crisis. This is the organization of reliable social protection in crisis conditions.

One of the main tasks set by President Ilham Aliyev, who correctly assessed the current reality from the first day, was to protect the social welfare of the population. It is no coincidence that the approved Action Plan for the implementation of the order of the head of state dated March 19, 2020 contained 12 measures in 4 directions to support employment and social welfare.

During the fight against the pandemic, the head of state, who took important steps towards improving the social welfare of the people, declared that despite the global crisis, all social projects determined at the beginning of the year will be implemented. If we look at the social projects implemented in our country today, we will really see that the issues of protecting people’s health and improving the state of social well-being remain first on the agenda of Mr. President.

According to the state support programs prepared within the largest socio-economic package of the President, important steps were taken in the field of ensuring the social protection of the population during the quarantine period. The employment and social welfare support measures envisaged in these programs covered 5 million people.

The jobs and salaries of 900,000 people working in the public sector and 760,000 in the private sector were protected. Great concessions were made to entrepreneurial subjects. One-time allowances of 190 manats paid to unemployed citizens each month totaled 333 million manats. Targeted social assistance was provided to 85,000 families with an average monthly amount of 225 manats. In other words, despite the recession in the economy, the social projects implemented by Mr. Ilham Aliyev without delay once again confirmed that Azerbaijan is also a social state.

The decree “On additional measures in the field of protecting the social welfare of the population” signed by the President in 2021 created a real opportunity for the successful continuation of reforms in this area, and the next stage of reforms was realized. The new package of reforms, which provides an additional 1.5 billion manats annually, covered 2.1 million people. In that year, the average monthly amount of pensions increased by 9 percent to 331 manats, and the average monthly amount of age pensions increased by 8 percent to 358 manats.

Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s fourth social reform package will support the improvement of the welfare of 1.9 million people. The next social reforms carried out in our country with the new decrees and orders signed by President Ilham Aliyev once again confirm that the state of Azerbaijan is a social state and that it has taken important steps to support the welfare of its citizens even in the current crisis situation for the world.

According to the new order, the monthly salaries of employees in a number of organizations financed from the state budget were increased by an average of 15 percent from January 1, 2023. There were also increases in allowances and pensions through decrees and orders. Thus, from January 1, 2023, the monthly pension of the President will be increased to 600 manats for the martyr’s family. Also, both allowances and pensions aimed at persons with disabilities are increased. The monthly pension of the President is 500 manats for 81-100 percent impairment of body functions (I degree) for persons with disabilities determined due to war, January 20, military service duties, and military service at the Chernobyl NPP, for 61-80 percent impairment (II degree ) 400 manats, 330 manats for 31-60 percent impairment (III degree), on the other hand, benefits for persons with disabilities of all categories are also provided for 81-100 percent, 61-80 percent and 31-60 percent impairment of body functions, respectively. 270 manats, 220 manats and 150 manats.

Also, the monthly stipend of the President has been increased to 300 manats for those who have been determined to be visually impaired due to 81-100 percent impairment of body functions due to general causes, and 200 manats for other persons in this category.

As a result of the 4 social reform packages implemented in the last 5 years, the monthly pension of the President for the family of a martyr is 2.5 times, allowances and pensions for persons with disabilities are 3 times on average, in low-income families the allowance for a child under one year of age is 2.1 times, a one-time allowance for the birth of a child allowance 4.6 times, one-time funeral allowance 3.4 times, persons with disabilities due to 81-100 percent impairment of body functions due to general causes (including visual impairment) receive 2 times the President’s monthly pension, age allowance 3 times, with more than five children the allowance for each child for women was increased by 3.2 times, the monthly pension of the President was increased by 2 times for those who take care of persons with 81-100 percent impairment of body functions or under the age of 18, and the allowance for the loss of the head of the family was increased by 76.5 percent.

The amount of the President’s scholarship for students was increased to 275 manats

It was also confirmed that the scholarships of students and doctoral students have been increased, and this increase covers 150,000 students and doctoral students. With the new decree, from January 1, 2023, the amount of the Presidential scholarship for high school students has been increased to 275 manats.

Also, by the new decree of the head of state, the amounts of scholarships given to doctoral students at the expense of the state budget, in institutions of higher education, secondary and vocational education, as well as to students studying at the master’s level of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, from January 1, 2023, at the doctoral level – preparation for the doctor of sciences 400 manats for doctoral students, and 240 manats for doctoral students.

For 3 reform packages covering 4 million people in 2018-2022, an additional 6 billion manats have been allocated annually, and for the current new social reform package, an additional 750 million manats have been allocated annually. Like the previous social reforms, the new social reforms are distinguished by their comprehensiveness. Thus, the next increase of social payments aimed at people from the most vulnerable population groups, including allowances and pensions of 810 thousand people, is a clear manifestation of the President’s care.

If compared to 2018, the annual funds allocated for social allowances and pensions were 300 million manats at that time, but this amount has already exceeded 1.5 billion manats, which means a more than 5-fold increase in the funds allocated to that direction.

The housing program for families of martyrs and war disabled has been expanded 5 times

Within the framework of the social reforms of the President, the priority issue was, first of all, the implementation of the housing program for families of martyrs and war disabled people.

There is no example of attention and concern of both Mr. Ilham Aliyev and First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva to people from this category in any other country. Today, Azerbaijan is a country with the most exemplary experience in the field of social protection of families of martyrs and war veterans. Provision of people from this category with social payments and regular increase of these payments, coverage of families of martyrs and war disabled people with housing, war disabled people with cars, as well as other social protection and active employment programs and the expansion of those programs year by year, a number of concessions related to them and the application of privileges shows it.

If we look at the statistics, we will see that only in the post-war period, 4,500 apartments and private houses were given to families of martyrs and people with war-related disabilities, and in the past period, 13,300 apartments and private houses were given. The housing program has been expanded 5 times.

If we look at the past years, we will clearly see that these social programs are expanding every year. For example, in 2018, 626, 934 in 2019, 1572 in 2020, and 3 thousand in 2021 apartments were given to the families of martyrs and war disabled.

In 2022, 1,500 apartments and private houses were given to citizens of these categories. About 1,500 family members of martyrs and war participants were provided with jobs. Up to 10,000 people, including members of martyrs’ families, war participants, victims of Armenian terrorism, were supported, including up to 6,000 people were involved in the self-employment program, and up to 4,000 people were provided with jobs.

As it can be seen, the priority of Ilham Aliyev’s social policy is to solve the problems of families of martyrs, war disabled people, and to improve their living conditions.

Also, 6,900 passenger cars have been provided to war disabled persons and persons treated as equivalent to them.