The Executive Committee of the Confederation of Azerbaijan Trade Unions (ATUC) issued a statement regarding the armed attack on the embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Islamic Republic of Iran on January 27, 2023


The statement reads:

“We strongly condemn the armed attack on the embassy of our country in Iran on January 27 and express our protest against the terrorist incident committed on behalf of the Azerbaijani trade unions.

We declare that this terrorist incident is an attack against the state of Azerbaijan and its people, Azerbaijanis of the world, including our compatriots from the south, and is an international crime.

Iran is directly responsible for the incident. Thus, the protection of the embassy and the security of the employees should be organized by the Iranian side in accordance with international conventions. But from this terrorist act, it is clear that Iran has not fully fulfilled its obligations by ignoring international law.

It is known that after gaining independence, Azerbaijan preferred the principles of good neighborliness with all its neighbors, including Iran. Iran has never been sincere in its attitude towards Azerbaijan. This situation became even more acute after Azerbaijan won a brilliant victory over Armenia and liberated its occupied lands. In this country, anti-Azerbaijani propaganda has been given a lot of space, it can be said that the image of the enemy has been created. Even a number of organizations and religious circles of Iran, as well as the media, have made threatening statements against our state. All appeals addressed to the official Tehran regarding the prevention of this have remained unanswered. It is clear once again that the bloody terrorist incident is a continuation of the ugly propaganda.

On behalf of the trade unions of Azerbaijan, we demand that Iran deeply understand the responsibility of the bloody incident and take a serious approach to the issue. He should take measures in the direction of a precise investigation of the terrorist incident, identification of the orderers, organizers and executors and punishment in the strictest manner. He should also take necessary steps to prevent such incidents from happening again in the future.”