The VII Assembly of the Republican Committee of the Free Trade Union of Azerbaijan Education Workers was held


On December 7, the VII Assembly of the Republican Committee of the Free Trade Union of Azerbaijan Education Workers was held.

The event began with a one-minute silence commemorating the dear memory of our martyrs who died for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

Then the chairman of  Republican Committee of the Free Trade Union of Azerbaijan Education Workers, MP of the Milli Majlis, Sattar Mohbaliyev, introduced the agenda of the meeting to the members of the Assembly. On the agenda, “About partial changes among the members of the Assembly of the District Committee”, “About the work done by the member organizations in connection with the implementation of the articles of the Collective Agreement concluded for 2021-2023 and the collective agreements in the labor relations, wages and labor norms, work and rest time section” “, “On the approval of the budget indicators of the Republican Committee of the Free Trade Union of Azerbaijan Education Workers”, “On the approval of the staff table of the apparatus and member organizations of the Republican Committee of the Free Trade Union of Azerbaijan”, the issues were reflected.


At the meeting, relevant decisions were made on each issue on the agenda.


During the discussion of the issue “On the activities of member organizations related to the fulfillment of the terms of the Collective Agreement and Collective Agreement concluded for the years 2021-2023”, it was noted that the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan and the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan A Collective Agreement for 2021-2023 was concluded between  Republican Committee of the Free Trade Union of Azerbaijan Education Workers and the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan based on the General Collective Agreement conclude  between At the same time, city and district trade union committees with the respective educational departments, and the first organizations with the leaders of the respective educational institutions, guided by the Labor Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Trade Unions”, the Charter of the organization and the decisions and recommendations of the Republican Committee.

Labor, social and economic rights of educational workers in Collective Agreements and contracts, including the rules and amount of payment, determination of allowances, supplements and other payments, terms of work and rest time, duration of vacations, determination of additional guarantees for improving the working conditions of employees, Agreements with the trade union organization and other important obligations were reflected when the employee’s employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer.

It was noted that the appeals received by the Republican Committee regarding the violation of the labor, social and economic rights of the union members, as well as verbal appeals, were seriously investigated and appropriate assistance was provided. At the same time, as a result of the fulfillment of the relevant obligation reflected in the Collective Agreement, in 2022, 6,437 disabled education workers were given additional wages.

Commenting on the issue, S. Mohbaliyev noted that the provision of this should be noted as a positive result. He also said that district, city and district legal committees should constantly monitor the fulfillment of the terms of the collective agreement. Also, when a collective agreement is drawn up, the discussion of this document among the collective should be ensured, and the problems that concern the members of the union should be taken into account. At the same time, the appeals of union members should be treated sensitively, and help should be provided to solve the problems that concern them.

Then a decision was made to partially amend the Charter of the Republican Committee of the Free Trade Union of Azerbaijan Education Workers.

At the end of the event, S. Mohbaliyev delivered his recommendations to the chairmen of the regional, city and district trade union committees regarding future activities.