The resolution of the French National Assembly is the country’s next provocation against Azerbaijan


“The resolution adopted by the French Senate and the National Assembly of this country against Azerbaijan is extremely hypocritical, it is an unfair decision, and it is basically an attempt to disrupt stability and increase tension in the region. This is a biased decision against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country, and it is a great disrespect for the norms and principles of international law.”

 This was voiced by Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, while commenting on the resolution adopted against Azerbaijan in the lower house of the French Parliament (National Assembly).

“Such inappropriate decisions taken against the background of negotiations for the normalization of relations and the signing of a peace agreement are, of course, calculated to hinder the process. Everyone who voted for that resolution should know that Azerbaijan has no eyes on the territory of any state, has always preferred the principles of good neighborliness, and even faced occupation for many years and fought against aggressors. Today, the real intention of Azerbaijan is to achieve lasting peace and stability in the region. But whether it was appropriate or not, France’s zealous intervention in the process, making non-objective statements and adopting biased resolutions reveal the unfair position of this country, said the member of the Milli Majlis.

The chairman of ATUC said that with such approaches, France is losing itself in the eyes of the international community and losing its prestige in the world: “With the exception of the French-speaking countries, today the main leading countries of the world defend the righteous cause of the victorious Azerbaijan and understand its importance for the world. At such a moment, the false and slanderous resolutions adopted by the French Senate and the National Assembly have no meaning and political power. They should know that Azerbaijan is a strong state and has a big say in the region. With such resolutions, it is impossible to influence the fair position of Azerbaijan and the cause of justice, as it has not been possible until now and will not be possible.”