The VII Plenum of the Republican Committee of the Aviation Workers Trade Union was held


The VII Plenum of the Republican Committee of the Aviation Workers Trade Union was held on November 25.

Javanshir Alkhasov, Deputy Chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, Rasim Huseynov, First Deputy Director of Aviation Security General Department, chairmen of trade unions committees, active members of trade unions, labor protection engineers, members of public commissions took part in the plenum.

The event began with the singing of the National Anthem of Azerbaijan. Chairman of the Republican Committee, Mubariz Asadov, informed the participants about the issues on the agenda, and then discussions were held and relevant decisions were made.

M.Asadov delivered an extensive report on the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the Patriotic War and the activities of the Republican Committee in the subsequent period.

He said that the Republican Committee will allocate 15,000 to the Armed Forces Assistance Fund, 10,000 to the YASHAT Fund, 20,000 to the Karabakh Revival Fund, 10,000 to the regional development public association of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, 10,000 to aid brother Turkey in connection with forest fires, and 10,000 to ATUC in the territories freed from occupation. 15,000 manats for the restoration and reconstruction of various facilities (sanatoriums, recreation centers, sports fields, etc.), and 10,000 manats for the purchase of clothing and food for our soldiers during the Patriotic War: The Republican Committee and regional trade union organizations have used their capabilities to the maximum level to provide financial and moral support to our martyrs and veterans, as well as workers working on the rear front.

“The Republic Committee and its member organizations provided financial support to the participants of the Patriotic War, families of martyrs and veterans in the amount of 41913 manats to 224 people in 2021 and 15652 manats in the nine months of 2022. On the occasion of the Civil Aviation Day, 200 manats were given financial support to each of the families of the two martyrs of the institution, and their rest was organized during the summer months. In 2021, 14,900 manats were provided from the account of the Republican Committee to 66 aviation workers who took part in battles on the occasion of Victory Day, and in 2022, 168 people were given financial aid in the amount of 36,400 manats. In addition, the appeals of the families of martyrs and veterans were treated sensitively, their wishes were satisfied, and their opinions were taken into account,” said the chairman of the RC.

According to him, during the pandemic, financial assistance in the amount of 62,540 manats was provided to 8,500 low-income families, 387 employees, and 20,000 manats were transferred to the Support Fund for the Fight against the Coronavirus:

“It goes without saying that we cannot be satisfied with the work we have done. In 2023, we will continue to solve all the issues related to the continuous implementation of our work, the provision of material and moral assistance to the families of martyrs and veterans of the Patriotic War, the improvement of the social welfare of our employees, the organization of treatment and family rest, and the protection of the rights and interests of our colleagues. We will do it.”


Then Vagif Mammadov, chairman of the Air Traffic Department of” Azeraeronavigation ” CJSC, Seyfali Mammadov, chairman of the Air Traffic Department of the Main Department of operation of airports, Kamil Ilyasov, Chairman of the Air Traffic Department of the Main Department of Aviation Security and others spoke about the work done by the organizations headed by them and gave information about the upcoming tasks.

The budget expenses and staffing table of the Republican Committee for 2023 were approved at the plenum. Javanshir Alkhasov, the deputy chairman of ATUC, spoke about the future tasks of the trade unions of Azerbaijan and the work to be done.

At the end, there was a broad exchange of ideas, opinions and suggestions were heard.