Azerbaijan has always worked diligently for the sake of Islamic solidarity


“The importance of Azerbaijan in the system of international relations, which is developing day by day under the leadership of our head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev, is constantly increasing. President Ilham Aliyev, who has a deep understanding of this field – international relations, both theoretically and empirically – represents our country in all the regional and international events he participates in, based on the interests of our country. On October 31, the head of state, who was the author of another diplomatic success of our country in a tripartite meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in Sochi, participated in the 31st Summit of the League of Arab States the next day as the chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement and as an honored guest of the Summit. The fact that our President was invited to this high event and his speech was listened to with interest shows the increasing prestige of our country in the world, the personal respect of its leader and the importance of global initiatives.Also, our state’s well-defined balanced foreign policy, always maintaining the position of a reliable partner, has greatly increased the number of our allies and friends, and strengthened our country’s rightful place in the international arena.

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.


According to him, the President of Armenia, who brought to the attention of the event participants the occupation policy of Armenia, which lasted for many years, and the atrocities committed during these years, said that Azerbaijan has already put an end to the occupation in the war of rights: “Our country has always been a supporter of stability and security, has prioritized friendly relations with  its neighbors, and our President is a peace-loving drew attention in the world with his policy. It is no coincidence that our country, exposed to the occupation policy of Armenia, remained faithful to the negotiation  process for a long time and tried to resolve the conflict in this way. Unfortunately, the double standards he faced prevented him from doing so. Known resolutions of the UN regarding the conflict remained ineffective, their implementation was not ensured. Also, the institutions dealing with the conflict resolution could not cope with their tasks. But Azerbaijan and its leader took a decisive position and ensured territorial integrity. The head of our state told the participants that the Armenians destroyed our cultural and religious monuments at the summit meeting. Of course, this is an extremely important factor, Muslim countries should recognize the Islamophobic character of Armenia. They have touched the dignity of all Muslims by keeping a pig in our mosques and taking and distributing its photos. Such atrocities have no parallel in the world.” They have touched the dignity of all Muslims by keeping a pig in our mosques and taking and distributing its photos. Such atrocities have no parallel in the world.” They have touched the dignity of all Muslims by keeping a pig in our mosques and taking and distributing its photos. Such atrocities have no parallel in the world.”


“As stated by our President at the summit meeting, Azerbaijan has done a lot of important work for Islamic solidarity. As one of the main countries of the Muslim world, Azerbaijan has historically rendered unparalleled services to the progress of Islamic culture and the promotion of its values ​​in the world. It is no coincidence that in 2009 Baku and in 2018 the cities of Nakhchivan were declared the capital of Islamic culture. Also, the organization of the 4th Islamic Solidarity Games in Baku in 2017 is a clear example of our country’s next practical steps in the field of strengthening Islamic solidarity. In addition, 2017 was the “Year of Islamic Solidarity” in our country, a number of important events were held. All these are significant steps in bringing Muslim countries and peoples closer to each other, strengthening and expanding relations, and achieving solidarity,” said the deputy of the Milli Majlis.

The chairman of ATUC added that President Ilham Aliyev’s views at the summit once again showed that Azerbaijan is a supporter of peace and stability, and that its global initiatives are based on the principles of justice.