ATUC held an event in Shusha with the participation of trade unions of foreign countries


Azerbaijan Confederation of Trade Unions (ATUC) held a round table in Shusha, the cultural capital of our country, on “Employment and decent work for the purpose of ensuring peace and the potential of resistance” with the participation of trade unions of foreign countries.

The event was attended by the vice-chairmen of ATUC – Javanshir Alkhasov and Agil Dadashov, heads of departments, as well as representatives of trade unions from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Portugal and Serbia.

The speaker A. Dadashov drew attention to the importance of holding the event in Shusha and said that Shusha, the cultural capital of Azerbaijan, is the ancient and eternal land of Azerbaijan. Every Azerbaijani considers this city an integral part of his spiritual existence. The deputy chairman noted that the city, which was under occupation for nearly 30 years, was subjected to looting and destruction by Armenia, but despite this, the city still preserved its nationality and uniqueness. A. Dadashov also spoke about the war crimes, vandalism, and destruction of our historical and cultural monuments committed by Armenians in East Zangezur and Garabagh, which were occupied for many years: “Probably, you also saw the traces of vandalism committed by Armenians when you entered the territory of East Zangezur and Karabagh, which were freed from occupation. On the way to Shusha, there were magnificent cities, towns and villages on the right and left of those roads. More than 1 million Azerbaijanis lived in these areas. As a result of inhuman atrocities committed by Armenians during the occupation, it has now become a ruin.”

He emphasized that the Azerbaijani Army, under the leadership of the victorious Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev, cleared its land from invaders in just 44 days. A. Dadashov, speaking about the improvement and construction works carried out in those areas, pointed out that with the return of residents to the village of Agali in Zangila, the Great Return Plan was launched: “In these areas destroyed by the enemy, hydroelectric power stations, electric power stations, airports, railway lines, highways, bridges , tunnels, main water lines, modern residential complexes are being built, socio-economic infrastructures, industrial parks and agricultural parks are being created. Fuzuli International Airport was built in just eight months. The opening ceremony of Zangilan International Airport took place yesterday. You are always right in the world, the friend and brother who stands by justice, the President of Turkey, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, together with the head of our state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, cut the ribbon marking the symbolic opening of the airport. In 2025, it is planned to open the International Airport in Lachin. I would like to mention the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s mission to return our cultural and religious heritage to the people in our lands freed from occupation. Our religious monuments and mosques, which were found by the enemy, were destroyed and insulted, are being brought back to life by the order of the First Vice-President of Azerbaijan, head of the Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva. In general, President Ilham Aliyev personally supervises the fast, planned and systematic construction works.”

A.Dadashov, who shared his views on the subject, spoke about ILO recommendation No. 205 and its practical application.

Ruslan Bagirov, the deputy head of the Legal Department of the ATUC, spoke about the duties of trade unions in the direction of ensuring employment, eliminating unemployment, and creating decent and safe working conditions for workers, as well as the work done in our country in the direction of implementing the recommendations and conventions accepted by the ILO.

Tural Suleymanov, a specialist of the Organizational Affairs and Information Department of ATUC, who spoke about the activities of the Azerbaijani trade unions, implemented projects, as well as the work carried out in connection with labor safety and health protection of workers, said that creating decent working conditions, increasing employment, ensuring labor safety in our country effective steps are being taken, the fight against forced labor has been strengthened. T. Suleymanov, who spoke about the ever-expanding active relations of ATUC with ILO in the field of labor relations, employment, improvement of labor legislation, said that ILO conventions have been ratified in our country and adapted to national labor standards. He emphasized that the joint projects implemented in labor migration, social protection and other fields give effective results.

Other speakers talked about efficient use of labor resources, expansion of employment opportunities of the population, support of decent work, increase of competitiveness of labor force.

The foreign guests provided information on the status of implementation of ILO recommendations and conventions in their countries, the plan of measures implemented in relation to employment, labor relations, expressed their opinions on the topic and recorded their opinions.

At the end, a broad exchange of ideas of mutual interest was held.

For your information, representatives of trade unions from foreign countries, on their way to Shusha, were introduced to settlements and infrastructure objects destroyed by Armenian invaders in East Zangezur and Karabakh for many years, and their inhuman vandalism.

The guests who visited the mass grave discovered in Edilli village of Khojavend were informed about these and other war crimes committed by Armenia.

The guests were also closely acquainted with the large-scale construction and construction works carried out in those areas, including in the city of Shusha, under the leadership of the head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev.

Representatives of foreign countries expressed their satisfaction with their visits to our country, with the importance and high-level organization of the event, as well as with the hospitality and sincere attitude. They expressed their satisfaction that the event was held in Shusha and that they saw this great city.