Nancy Pelosi’s comments in Armenia confirm the existence of double standards


“The opinions of Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress, in Armenia are both surprising and regrettable. It is extremely surprising that an experienced politician, as well as the head of an influential institution in his country, such as the House of Representatives, is influenced by someone and makes statements that are far from reality and full of bias. Placing the military provocation committed by an aggressor state on the delimited conditional border between Azerbaijan and Armenia on Azerbaijan, which is constantly calling for peace, and exhibiting an unobjective and one-sided position is a manifestation of the Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK), member of the Milli Majlis, Sattar Mohbaliyev, expressed these views while commenting on the statement made by the speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress, Nancy Pelosi.

The chairman of ATUC noted that today the whole world is aware and sees that Azerbaijan is carrying out improvement and construction works in the territories it liberated from occupation, and is doing its best to return the residents whose rights have been violated for many years to those territories: “And Armenia, in accordance with its invariable traitor character, will not slow down the process works, commits terrorism with mines produced in Armenia in recent years, engages in armed provocations. It is at least unfair to slander and make unpleasant accusations against a state that invites Armenia to peace, strives for the normalization of relations, and makes efforts to ensure lasting stability and security in the region in the face of such realities.”

S. Mohbaliyev added that in order to draw the Armenian lobby to his side before the mid-term elections to the US Congress, it is unbecoming of an experienced politician to issue such an objective statement that will hinder the improvement of relations between the two countries, open the hand of revanchist circles in Armenia, and threaten peace and security. and it will undoubtedly damage Nancy Pelosi’s personal reputation and political image.