Azerbaijani trade unions appealed to international trade union organizations regarding Armenia’s military provocations against Azerbaijan


The petition reads:

 “From the beginning of the 90s of the last century, armed by its foreign patrons, Armenia invaded the lands of Azerbaijan and displaced Azerbaijanis from their native homes. More than one million Azerbaijanis were forced to live as refugees and internally displaced persons. During this period, Armenia made the occupied Azerbaijani territories in a miserable situation, completely destroyed the infrastructure in cities and villages. Azerbaijan suffered material damage worth billions of dollars. During all these years, Armenia continued its occupation policy, provoked provocations in our territories, and regularly put under fire our civilians living along the contact line.

On September 27, 2020, as a result of the successful counter-offensive operation launched by the Azerbaijani Army in response to the next military provocation by Armenia, Eastern Zangezur and Karabakh, which were occupied for many years, were liberated. Now, unlike before, the region is dominated by new realities that will stimulate the comprehensive development of the entire South Caucasus and the region in general. These are new tasks that will serve stability, security, mutual cooperation, and economic development. But the Armenian side does not want to come to terms with these realities and is trying to create tension in the region again.

Thus, he blocks Azerbaijan’s calls for the normalization of relations with various excuses, takes a disruptive position in the negotiations, and ignores the obligations he undertook in the agreements reached.

Azerbaijan has not yet fulfilled the obligation to withdraw the Armenian armed forces from the territory of Azerbaijan, as stated in the tripartite declaration signed between the leaders of Armenia and Russia.

Also, the re-pollution of our territories with mines produced in Armenia in recent years has once again revealed the true treacherous nature of this country.

Despite Azerbaijan’s efforts for normalization and peace, Armenia increases militarization along the borders, deploys heavy equipment and large-caliber weapons in the region, and engages in various military provocations.

This causes losses among military personnel and civilians performing their official duties, and slows down extensive reconstruction works in the liberated territories.

Armenia, continuing its dirty deeds, again committed large-scale military provocation in Dashkasan, Kalbajar, Lachin and Zangilan directions of the state border on the night of September 12 and the morning of September 13. This is a gross violation of the norms and principles of international law, the tripartite statements signed between the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia, as well as other agreements reached. It seems clear that this country is not interested in the peace process and intends to continue its aggressive policy.

We, as trade unions of Azerbaijan, appeal to all international organizations, including the International Confederation of Trade Unions, the Confederation of General Trade Unions, the Pan-European Regional Council, the Global Field Trade Unions, and emphasize that Azerbaijan, as always, is committed to peace and stability, to impartial cooperation within the framework of national interests, friendly always prefers the principle of neighborliness. Armenia should also take a specific position, stop its provocative actions, and fulfill all obligations arising from the tripartite Declarations and other agreements.

We call on you to immediately and strongly react to the provocations of Armenia, which regularly commits military provocations, continues to mine terror against Azerbaijan, obstructs the reconstruction and construction works carried out in East Zangezur and Karabakh, which has been freed from occupation, and grossly violates human rights and freedoms.”

ATUC Executive Committee:

Chairman of ATUC, MP S. Mohbaliyev

  1. Aliyev, I. Deputy Chairman of ATUC
  2. Dadashov, Deputy Chairman of ATUC
  3. Alkhasov, Deputy Chairman of ATUC
  4. Osmanov, Deputy Chairman of ATUC
  5. Agasiyev, Deputy Chairman of ATUC
  6. Asadov, Chairman of the Republican Committee Aviation Workers Trade Unions

Road Transport and Road Management

H.Karimov, Chairman of  Workers’ Trade Unions

Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

  1. Gurbanov, chairman of Free Workers’ Union
  2. Khalilov, chairman of the Municipal Workers’ Union
  3. Abbasov , Chairman of “Baku Steel Company” Workers Union
  4. Bagirov, the chairman of the Independent Trade Unions Republican Committee of Railwaymen

Maritime Transport Workers

Chairman of ATUC  S. Allahverdiyev

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Chairman of  M. Ismayilov

Customs Workers Union

Chairman of the Union S. Ibrahimov

“Service-Work” TU Federation

Vice-President J. Ismayilov

  1. Huseynov, the chairman of “Inshaat-Ish” Trade Union
  2. Mammadov, Chairman of Water Management Workers’ Association

“Agriculture-Food-Work” Trade Union

Chairman of the Federation T. Guliyev

B.Yusifov, Metal Workers Trade Union Federation


  1. Atakishiyev, Chairman of Cultural Workers TURC

Defense Industry Workers

Chairman of TURC  S. Mahmudov

  1. Mardanov, chairman of the Metropolitan Workers Union

Nakhchivan Atonomous Republic

  1. Ibrahimov, chairman of the Council of Higher Education


Oil and Gas Industry Workers

  1. Aliyev, chairman of TURC

Azerbaijan Transport, Communication and High

  1. Safarov, Chairman of Technology Workers TURC

Entrepreneurship, Private Science and Light Industry

M.Salmanov, the chairman of TURC of employees


  1. Efendiyev, Chairman of Health Workers TURC
  2. Guliyev, Natural Resources and Environmental Workers

Chairman of TURC

  1. Nagiyev, the first deputy chairman of the Educational Workers Free TURC

Local Industry and Utilities

  1. Hajiyev, Chairman of the TURC of Enterprise Employees