A meeting was held with the children of metropolitan employees who scored more than 600 points in the entrance exams to higher schools


The Metropolitan Employees Trade Union (METU)  held a meeting with the children of metropolitan employees who scored more than 600 points in the university entrance exams this year.

Parents of young people who won the title of student also participated in the meeting.

Chairman of METU Arif Mardanovcongratulated the young people and wished them success in their personal lives and studies. He said that Great Leader Heydar Aliyev always attached great importance to education. Thanks to the attention of President Ilham Aliyev, the development of education in our country has become one of the priority areas of state policy. As a whole, many government programs serving the development of education have been adopted in recent years. These programs determine the directions of state-important activities, which envisage the development of preschool education, technical profession, secondary general education and higher schools. A. Mardanov noted that thanks to the care of the head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev and First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva, important works are being done in the direction of modernization of the infrastructure of general education institutions and wide opportunities are being created for young people in our country.

Then A. Mardanov presented 500 manat cash prize to each of the 4 young people who won the title of student.

The young people thanked for the attention shown to them and said that they will continue to work diligently in the field of education and will make important contributions to the bright future of our country by becoming highly qualified staff.

It should be noted that since 2015, METU has been awarding prizes to the children of metropolitan workers who have scored more than 600 points in the entrance exams to higher schools.