The caring example of President Ilham Aliyev


The successful social policy implemented in our country under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the purposeful measures taken in the direction of further improvement of people’s well-being are always highly appreciated and always supported by our people.

All opportunities are mobilized for the attention paid to especially vulnerable groups, their social protection and improvement of their living conditions. All state and non-governmental organizations join the call of our head of state and constantly surround our citizens in need of social protection with their attention and concern. The activity of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, led by the First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva, has become an example not only in our country, but also outside the borders of our country.

The families, parents, and relatives of our heroic sons who were martyred in the First Karabakh War and the 44-day Patriotic War, as well as disabled people and veterans in both wars, are surrounded by comprehensive state care under the leadership of the head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev. Even when the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev was the President, the improvement of the social condition of persons belonging to that category was the basis of the state policy. They were given apartments and cars, provided with jobs, and other problems were eliminated. This mission is continued with dignity by our respected President, the follower of National Leader Heydar Aliyev. It should be recalled that immediately after the end of the Patriotic War, in which our brilliant victory was secured, the President issued instructions regarding the families of martyrs, veterans, war participants, as well as our people who were damaged by the war, and took them completely under the care of the state. According to the relevant orders, our heroic soldiers were awarded with medals and received the status they deserved.

The attention and care of our state is not limited to this, families of martyrs and veterans are provided with jobs, they are involved in self-employment program, public works, rehabilitation services are provided to them, and wounded and disabled soldiers are provided with the most modern, new generation prostheses. Thanks to Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s exemplary attitude towards them, today our martyrs, veterans, in general, all war participants have great influence in our society, our people remember our martyrs with great respect, cherish their memories, treat our veterans, war participants with high respect. In our country, the work done in order to improve the social conditions of the families of martyrs and war disabled people is carried out in a consistent and planned manner. The head of state participates together with the First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva in the ceremonies where apartments and cars are presented to people belonging to that category, meets the families of martyrs, veterans, and talks about the heroism of our soldiers. It seems that our state is always with them, doing everything possible to solve all their problems.

During the mentioned period, the minimum wage in our country increased by 2.3 times, the average monthly wage by 51 percent, the minimum pension by 2.2 times, the average monthly pension by 75 percent, the average monthly pension by age by 70 percent, and the annual wage fund by 2.2 times. In these 4 years, the amount of the President’s monthly stipends for the families of martyrs has been increased by 2.3 times, the President’s monthly stipend for war disabled persons has been increased by an average of 2.5 times, and the allowance for war disabled persons has been increased by more than 2 times on average.

Last year, the program of providing 3,000 apartments and private houses to the families of martyrs and war invalids, which is 5 times more than 3 years ago, was implemented. After the 44-day Patriotic War, 3,600 apartments and private houses were given to the families of martyrs and disabled people.

In the last 4 years, up to 1,500, 264 people in the post-war period, 100 people in the first half of 2022, and 7,450 people with war disabilities were given cars in the last period.

In the post-war period, 21,000 rehabilitation tools were provided to 1,456 war-disabled persons, 5,000 families were provided with social-psychological rehabilitation services, 2,506 veterans, 200 servicemen of the Patriotic War, as well as 130 disabled persons from the previous Karabakh war, a total of 330 war-disabled persons were provided with high-tech last-generation prostheses. In the post-war period, 8,000 people who were family members of martyrs, war disabled and participants in the Patriotic War were involved in the self-employment program, small family farms and enterprises were created for them, and 5,400 people were provided with suitable jobs.

We would like to remind you that in 2019-2020, the program of providing one-time payment to the heirs of military servicemen and employees of internal affairs bodies who died in the period up to August 2, 1997 was successfully implemented. With the relevant decree of the head of our delegation, one-time payments have already been started to military servicemen and employees of internal affairs bodies, who participated in the First Karabakh war and lost their health, and were disabled as a result of injuries received while in military service until August 2, 1997, as well as to the heirs of those who died. This program is another manifestation of our state’s concern for war disabled people.

The amount of one-time payment given to them is 8,800 manats for first-degree disability, 6,600 manats for second-degree disability, and 4,400 manats for third-degree disability. Of course, this decision is a great material and moral support for our thousands of war-disabled citizens and their families.

We can say with certainty that no place in the world shows such a high attitude towards those killed and wounded in wars as in Azerbaijan. This is the main component of Mr. President’s humanitarian political activity. President Ilham Aliyev has always been by the side of his people and is working consistently to improve their social well-being. This is confirmed once again by the relevant decree of the head of our state.


Sattar Mohbaliyev,

Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan,

Member of Parliament