Congratulations of the Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev on the occasion of Eid al-Adha


“I heartily congratulate our victorious people, including President Ilham Aliyev, as well as every member of the trade unions, as well as all our compatriots living far away from the Homeland, on the occasion of holy Eid al-Adha, a symbol of solidarity and brotherhood of the Muslims of the world, and wish them robust health, long life and prosperity.

The Feast of the Sacrifice calls people to solidarity, spiritual purity, unity for the sake of good intentions and good deeds, invites them to the path of peace, brotherhood and equality.

This holiday has become a celebration of national-spiritual values, social assistance and good feelings in our country, and strengthens the spirit of unity, brotherhood and equality in our society.

The celebration of the holiday at the state level demonstrates to the world the unity of the people and the state, and that the people of Azerbaijan are loyal to their national and religious traditions. Today, our country is recognized as one of the exemplary places of tolerance and multiculturalism in the world.

Dear compatriots, once again I express each of you my good wishes on the occasion of the holiday, and I wish that our prayers and worships and sacrifices for the sake of Allah will be accepted in the presence of Allah. May your tables always be rich and blessed.

May Allah accept your sacrifices!”