ATUC’s relations with Turkish trade unions are deepening


On July 2-3, Hikmat Osmanov, deputy chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), Chairman of the Republican Committee of Trade Union of State Departments and Public Service Workers and Rauf Ibrahimli, chief technical labour inspector of the committee took part in the 20th Congress of the cooperative trade union of this country in Ankara, Turkey.

Osmanov, who spoke at the congress, conveyed the greetings of the chairman of ATUC, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev to the participants of the event. He said that ATUC has been in friendship and partnership with its Turkish colleagues for almost 20 years. Emphasizing the importance of continuing the cooperation and exchange of experience between the trade union committees of the two brotherly countries, H. Osmanov gave detailed information about the actions of the ATUC in the past, including the pandemic and the 44-day Patriotic War. Then the chairman of the committee reminded that the eternal and ancient lands of Azerbaijan remained under Armenian occupation for nearly 30 years: “Azerbaijan’s efforts to resolve the conflict peacefully for many years did not yield any results. In response to the next Armenian military provocation, the invincible Azerbaijani Army, which started counter-offensive operations, destroyed the invading army in just 44 days. By the way, let me mention that the moral and diplomatic support shown to our country by the Turkish state and its President Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan during the liberation of our lands from the Armenian usurpers was, in the true sense of the word, a celebration of gratuitous brotherhood. The state structures of Turkey showed great determination in all spheres for the victory of Azerbaijan. No matter how much international pressure there was, Turkey did not back down from its position of fraternal support. The people of Turkey did not miss their prayers. Therefore, we express our endless thanks to you.”

Speaking about the Shusha Declaration, the Chairman of the Republican Committee, H. Osmaniov, noted that the signed Declaration on alliance raises the relations between the two countries to the highest level: “All the provisions specified in the Declaration are a guarantee of higher quality cooperation. The words of the great leaders of our nations Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and Heydar Aliyev are reflected here. At the beginning of the 20th century, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk said: “Azerbaijan’s joy is our joy, and its sadness is our sorrow.” At the end of the 20th century, Great Leader Heydar Aliyev said that “Turkey and Azerbaijan are one nation, two states.” The signing of the Declaration of Alliance in liberated Shusha in the 21st century is an embodiment of the perpetuation of such an approach and philosophy. The issues of defense cooperation and mutual military assistance are reflected in the declaration. This is a historic achievement. This shows once again that we will always be together. We will ensure each other’s safety from now on. Just like until today, Turkey and Azerbaijan are together on all issues, and it will be like this from now on.”

At the end of his speech, H. Osmanov presented the portrait of Nuri Pasha, a symbol of friendship, to Eyup Alemdar, the head of the KOOP-ISH trade union, and wished success to the work of the congress.