An agreement was signed between the trade unions of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan


Talking about the current state of sanatorium-resort centers in Kazakhstan, K. Aybosnov said that they visited sanatoriums and rest houses belonging to Azerbaijan trade unions, got acquainted with the conditions created there and liked them. The guest added that Azerbaijan’s experience in this field is very important for them.


The meeting also discussed other issues of mutual interest.

On July 1, an agreement on mutual cooperation was signed in Baku between the Free Trade Union of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and the Science and Education Workers Trade Union Committee of Uzbekistan.

The agreement was signed by Rovshan Badirov, Chairman of the Committee of the Trade Union of Science and Education Workers of Uzbekistan, and Habil Gurbanov, the Chairman of the Free Trade Union of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

The contract, which creates ample opportunities for the organization of relations and efficient cooperation between the trade unions of the scientific institutions of the two countries, is intended for a period of 5 years.

Chairman of the Joint Trade Union of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Sherzod Juraev, took part in the signing ceremony.