Salvation Day is the beginning of all successes of Azerbaijan


And we, as a representative of our people, clearly see that, as a person, he lived only for the sake of his Motherland and his people. It was his purpose of life, his way of life. Whatever he did, he did for the people and the Motherland. Today, everyone who looks at his life has a common opinion that he was born for the people, he was a man of the people. Due to the scale and importance of his work, it is concluded that Heydar Aliyev was the greatest award of the Supreme Creator to the people of Azerbaijan. He led Azerbaijan in two state systems which were completely opposite to each other. And the essence was: to work for the homeland and for the people. It was this deed that made him the National Leader of his people. During his leadership in Soviet Azerbaijan, behind every step was a service to the comprehensive development, welfare, material and spiritual wealth of the people. Time has passed, years have passed and our people have become independent. While researching the path to independence, it became clear that the foundation of this path was laid in the 70s of the last century. At that time, his plans were to achieve a scientifically and technically advanced Azerbaijan that was able to live independently, be fully self-sufficient. The measures taken, the reforms implemented for the comprehensive development of the country, were almost calculated for this, ” the MP said.

  1. Mohbaliyev noted that the years 1991-1993 in the modern history of our country are remembered as a period of chaos, arbitrariness and unprofessional governance: “In the first years of independence, there was a severe crisis in the socio-political life of the country, defeats continued on the front, chaos was taking place in the country, separatist tendencies were growing. In short, we were in danger of losing our independence and disintegrating our state. The tragic situation created a need for a leader who could save the country from these troubles and lead the people. At such a moment, the people, having shown their steel will, turned their faces to the great politician with global thinking, a broad outlook. Of course, there were many forces that opposed this desire and were interested in the disintegration of our state. But in the face of the unbreakable will of our people, they could not continue, the people brought Heydar Aliyev to Baku and entrusted their destiny to him to get out of a complicated and difficult situation. This was the great victory of the Azerbaijani people, the beginning of the path to salvation. It is no coincidence that years later the people began to celebrate that day with great enthusiasm, as if they had survived the tragedy. The Great Leader, with his rich experience and high managerial skills, saved Azerbaijan from troubles, determined the foundations of a happy, powerful future for our people.”

“Heydar Aliyev proved himself as a wise man, a professional leader, a far-sighted politician and an outstanding statesman who has won the love of the people. It is not an easy task to build a state, to make it powerful, to keep it alive forever. This work requires a broad outlook, innate talent, wisdom, determination, political will, deep intellect, knowledge, endurance and patience. That was the phenomenality of Heydar Aliyev”, – S. Mohbaliyev said.

The ATUC chairman said that it is enough to look at today’s Azerbaijan to understand the essence and philosophy of the National Salvation Day: “Currently, our country has achieved sustainable development in all areas, peace and stability prevail, and our people live happily and prosperously. Also, as an independent state, Azerbaijan has defined its position in the world, is considered a leader in the region, and takes global initiatives. The world’s leading countries are very interested in establishing and expanding relations with Azerbaijan. In short, Azerbaijan is experiencing the most glorious and honorable period in its history. All these successes are a worthy continuation of the political course of the Great Leader, which President Ilham Aliyev copes with dignity. We believe that Heydar Aliyev’s ideas will always live, will lead our people to greater success and a bright future.”