Azerbaijan has become the energy center of the region


Baku Energy Week, the most prestigious and important event in the oil and gas and energy sector of the Caspian region, is being held in our country. 250 leading companies from 31 countries gathered here to participate in the 27th International Caspian Oil and Gas Exhibition, the 10th Anniversary Caspian International Energy and Renewable Energy Exhibitions, as well as the Baku Energy Forum. This shows the importance of the event and the interest in it. Today, our country plays a significant role in ensuring the energy security of the world, especially Europe. Azerbaijan has already become the energy center of the region, and for obvious reasons, the potential of our country to overcome the crisis in this area in the world is highly valued. All this is a manifestation of the energy policy founded by the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and successfully continued and developed by President Ilham Aliyev. Our country, which has rich hydrocarbon resources and a developed fuel and energy infrastructure, has implemented huge regional and international projects within this policy. The Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline and the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline are such that Azerbaijan has successfully implemented these projects. The completion of the pipelines which I mentioned, of course, required great financial resources and stability.

Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev told the media.

“At the official opening of the 27th International Caspian Oil and Gas Exhibition, President Ilham Aliyev spoke about the Southern Gas Corridor project. It is known that the corridor plays an important role in Europe’s energy supply at a time of energy crisis. The implementation of this project, initiated by Azerbaijan, once again confirms the strength of our country. Despite the fact that the pipeline passes through very difficult terrain – high mountains, depressions, the pipeline fully meets the standards with high quality. In order to successfully complete the project, Azerbaijan fulfilled its obligations in a timely and flexible manner. Since the beginning of the export process, our country has not experienced any delays in supply, has not violated the terms of the contract, and Azerbaijan has faithfully fulfilled its obligations. I note that the possibility of expanding the corridor is also under discussion, and we believe that this will happen in the near future, “said the ATUC chairman.

According to him, Azerbaijan has established itself in the world as a reliable partner: “That is why all partners are satisfied with cooperation with Azerbaijan. In addition, a favorable business environment has been formed in our country, and investment opportunities have been expanded. It is known that Azerbaijan’s “green energy” potential is also high, and the presence of many windy and sunny days here creates favorable conditions for the development of this sector. The construction of the Khizi-Absheron Wind Power Plant by the world-famous ACWA Power Company and the Garadagh Solar Power Plant by the Masdar Company demonstrates the large-scale work carried out in this direction in our country. Work is also being done in this direction in our liberated territories. All this will create opportunities for saving and exporting gas in our country.