Young people awarded the title of “Professional Youth of the Year” were awarded


On May 11, a ceremony was held to present diplomas, badges and certificates to the young people awarded the title of “Professional Youth of the Year” for 2021.

The event was attended by the leadership and staff of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (ATUC), chairmen and officials of member organizations.

Speaking at the ceremony, ATUC Chairman, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev said that the youth, being the main driving force of society, played an important role in determining the future development of each state: “Their role has always been highly valued in our country, and all conditions have been created for their promising activities. Great Leader Heydar Aliyev paid special attention to the youth, both during his leadership of Soviet Azerbaijan and as the President of our independent republic, and did everything at the state level to help them grow up in a healthy environment, acquire modern scientific knowledge and grow as professionals. Relevant documents are signed on various areas of youth policy, special attention is paid to their socialization, various programs are prepared, meetings are held, projects are implemented.

S.Mohbaliyev noted that the youth policy founded by The Great Leader is successfully continued by the head of State Mr. Ilham Aliyev and young people play an exceptional role in the dynamic development of our country:

“Implementation of state programs serving the welfare of young people has made an important contribution to the development of their potential and employment. In the process of state building and the socio-political life of the country, the activities of young people are provided, their creative potential, strength, knowledge and skills are highly valued. The 44-day Patriotic War, which ended with a brilliant victory, was a great test for the youth of Azerbaijan. Our youth, united around Muzaffar Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev like an iron fist, demonstrated great unity and stood up for the Motherland. It was their sense of patriotism and high fighting spirit that liberated our occupied lands for only 44 days in almost 30 years, each of which fought valiantly against the occupying enemy. The Patriotic War showed that they were brought up in the spirit of loyalty to the state and love for the Motherland. ”

The chairman of the confederation said that Azerbaijani trade unions always actively support the youth policy defined by the state within their powers: “22.2 percent of trade union members (under 29) are young people. ATUC at different times adopted “activity and Action Plan of trade unions in the field of protection of children and youth rights and satisfaction of moral demands in Azerbaijan”, “youth policy concept”, “implementation of youth policy of Azerbaijan trade unions”, “main directions of activity of Azerbaijan trade unions on Youth Policy” and other decisions and documents that they were successfully implemented”.

“With the support of the ATUC, forums of young trade union leaders are held every summer, and awareness-raising courses are organized. Every year, more than 100 young people improve their knowledge and skills in these courses. At the same time, the students who achieved high results and studied with excellent marks for the results of the school year and actively participated in the public life of the Lyceum are awarded with money prizes of trade unions. To date, more than 2 thousand trainees have been awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts of ATUC”, – S.Mohbaliyev stressed. Then, 59 talented young people, who were awarded the honorary title of “Professional Youth of the Year” for the results of 2021, were awarded ATUC Honorary Diplomas, badges and certificates. Of the young people awarded, 38 are men and 21 are women, and they have at least 3 years or more of work experience. Among these young people are our veterans and veterans, who were awarded orders and medals for their great heroism in the 44-day Patriotic War.

Speaking at the event, young people spoke about the state care always provided to them, for which they thanked President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva.

They noted that the Azerbaijani trade unions also support the youth, always pay attention to them and appreciate their activities.

It should be noted that the ATUC established the honorary title of “Professional Youth of the Year” in 2015 in order to increase the interest of the younger generation in various arts, professions and labor activities, to mobilize their skills for socio-economic development of the country and to strengthen trade union motivation. So far, about 400 young people from 27 trade unions have been awarded this honorary title for special achievements in labor, education and social activities.