Special forces laid the foundation of a great school in our glorious military history


“Every success and achievement of Azerbaijan is based on the solid foundations laid by the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev. All the steps he took for the welfare of our people, the development of our state, the protection of our homeland were duly continued by our President Ilham Aliyev and achieved his goal. The establishment of the most agile and professional Special Forces of the Azerbaijani Army in 1999 and their role in our military history once again demonstrates how far-sighted and genius Heydar Aliyev was. ”

This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev. According to him, the establishment of the Special Forces was a historic event in general: “The subsequent course of the process confirms what we have said. The battles of April 2016 demonstrated the strength, professionalism and high fighting spirit of this unit of our Army to the occupying Armenia, their supporters and the whole world. The special forces, which showed great heroism in those battles, along with other units of our Army, duly taught the enemy a lesson. Since its establishment, the state has paid great attention to the Special Forces. All conditions are created to supply them with modern weapons, weapons and equipment produced by leading companies in the world defense industry. The products of our local industry are also of great importance in strengthening our Special Forces, and the effect of these products has been great in battles.

“The Patriotic War, which began with a counter-offensive on September 27, 2020, is a heroic chronicle of our special forces. Their high fighting ability resonated around the world. Every day of the war, they only went forward, they did not take a single step back. Our Special Forces, ready for any harsh surface of the climate and relief, not to mention the desert, mountains, rocks, hot and cold, put the enemy on his knees in just 44 days. Every day they liberated new cities, villages and settlements and brought great joy to our people. The Shusha operation was a celebration of their professionalism and high combat capability. They crossed the mountains, climbed the rocks and went to Shusha, liberating it with light weapons, hand-to-hand combat, without damaging the historical appearance of the city.In short, they were the authors of the Karabakh saga, they saved our people from the whirlpool of defeat. With their deeds, they laid the foundation of a great school in our glorious history: to love the country with all our hearts, to be always ready to defend it, to be fearless and not afraid in this way. We believe that future generations of our people will deeply study this school and benefit from it, “he said.

“On April 30, at the event dedicated to the 23rd anniversary of the establishment of the Special Forces, the victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev spoke about the professionalism, high combat readiness, patriotism and heroism of this unit of our Army. The fact that the head of state reiterated his pride in the special forces is, of course, the highest value given to their activities. We are confident that our people will never forget their heroism and will always remember it with great pride. The head of state said the number of special forces had doubled since the Second Karabakh War. Military spending is also steadily rising. This shows that Azerbaijan will continue to increase its military power for defense purposes. We are confident that our people will never forget their heroism and will always remember it with great pride. The head of state said the number of special forces had doubled since the Second Karabakh War. Military spending is also steadily rising. This shows that Azerbaijan will continue to increase its military power for defense purposes.