ATUC Chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev met with his Turkish counterpart


On May 24, during his visit to Azerbaijan, Chairman of the Turkish Trade Union of Banking, Finance and Insurance Workers Matin Tiryakioglu met with ATUC Chairman, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev at the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (ATUC).

The fraternal relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey, as well as the relations between the trade unions of the two countries, the work done to further strengthen cooperation and future prospects were discussed at the meeting.

The ATUC chairman said that due to the purposeful policy pursued by President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, relations between the two countries have reached a higher level, and in a number of areas have entered a qualitatively new level.

Evaluating the moral and diplomatic support provided by the Turkish state and its president to Azerbaijan during the liberation of the occupied Azerbaijani lands from Armenian aggressors in 2020, Mohbaliyev said it was an example of free brotherhood in every sense of the word and therefore I thank the leadership and people of Turkey.

Speaking about the activities of trade unions in Azerbaijan, S. Mohbaliyev noted that trade unions play an important role in strengthening civil society in our country, are closely involved in the implementation of social policy, adequately respond to all challenges of the state, including social proposals.

S.Mohbaliyev added that today, trade unions, as a defender of the rights of Azerbaijani citizens involved in the labour process, operate more consistently and purposefully in all enterprises operating in our country, using new methods and tools in the field of harmonizing working conditions with modern standards, solving social problems and ensuring labour rights.

Thanking for the warm reception, Matin Tiryakioglu called Azerbaijan’s victory in the Great Patriotic War a historic event and congratulated his Azerbaijani colleagues on this occasion. He noted that relations between the trade unions of Azerbaijan and Turkey are developing day by day, mutual visits are organized and experience is exchanged. He stressed that the experience of Azerbaijani trade unions is very important for the organization he heads, and they will try to use it.

Other issues of interest were also discussed at the meeting.