The students were awarded scholarships by the Republican Committee of AFTUE


On April 8, according to the results of the winter exam session of the 2021-2022 academic year, a scholarship named after the Republican Committee of the Free Trade Union of Educators of Azerbaijan (AFTUE RC) was awarded to excellent and trade union activists.

Chairman of the Republican Committee of AFTUE, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev addressed the event. The chairman noted that the scholarship named after the Republican Committee of AFTUE was established in 1995. Since then, 2,654 students who have succeeded in the winter and summer sessions at higher education institutions have benefited from this scholarship: “Today, another 65 students will receive this scholarship. The purpose of this scholarship is to increase students’ interest in science and education and to support successful youth policies in Azerbaijan. I would like to note that the awarding of scholarships to students is one of the events organized by the Republican Committee of AFTUE in connection with youth. Every year, to improve the social situation of young people, to develop mass physical culture and sports among young people, to identify talented young people, to create conditions for the development of their talents and abilities, to increase young people’s interest in science, education, education in the spirit of respect for history Important measures are being taken to carry out military patriotic education. Our goal in carrying out this work is to spend your leisure time efficiently, to stay away from bad habits, to create interest in science and education, to support the state youth policy implemented by our state”.

Speaking about the state youth policy implemented in Azerbaijan, S. Mohbaliyev said that consistent and systematic measures are being taken in the country to ensure that young people grow up in a healthy spirit and grow as worthy citizens. This policy covers a wide range of issues – education, upbringing, health, intellectual and spiritual development of young people, effective organization of leisure time, active participation in all spheres of society: “Successful youth policy, founded by the National Leader of our people Heydar Aliyev and continued by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the First Vice-President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva, stimulates the process of transforming our country into a powerful state. Our esteemed President uses all opportunities for the comprehensive development of our youth. The steps taken in recent years for young people are a clear proof of this. It is no coincidence that 2007 was declared the “Year of Youth” by the relevant decree of the President. Numerous orders were signed. For example, the State Program “Education of Azerbaijani youth abroad in 2007-2015”, the State Program “Azerbaijani youth in 2011-2015”, in order to stimulate activities related to youth policy in science, education, culture and other social spheres. The establishment of the Youth Foundation, the establishment of the “Presidential Award for Youth” in 2013 and other steps can be noted. In addition, by the order of President Ilham Aliyev, the “Strategy for the Development of Azerbaijani Youth in 2015-2025” and the State Program “Azerbaijani Youth in 2017-2021” were adopted on September 15, 2017. Also, 2020 was declared the “Year of Volunteers” in Azerbaijan, which gave a strong impetus to the youth policy of the republic and the position of youth in general in the system of social relations, laid the foundation for a new stage in the development of Azerbaijani youth. “Recalling that in February 2022, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed another document aimed at youth development, S. Mohbaliyev noted the adoption of the “State Program for 2022-2026 for young people to study in prestigious foreign universities.” As a result of the implementation of this program, the development of our youth will be ensured: The main objective of this state program, which was developed to ensure the implementation of the decree of the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan” on expanding the educational opportunities of Azerbaijani youth in prestigious Foreign higher education institutions ” dated September 2021, 30, is to ensure the sustainable development of the Republic of Azerbaijan by creating opportunities for young people to study at, it is to ensure the training of competitive and highly qualified professional personnel that meet the requirements of the modern and future labor market. During the implementation of this State Program, a total of 2,000 citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan will be provided with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in prestigious higher education institutions abroad. In general, the main purpose of taking these steps for young people is to effectively use the potential of young people in the development of modern, independent Azerbaijan. Youth policy is an important part of the country’s development policy.

Mohbaliyev added that today the Azerbaijani youth is distinguished by active participation in all spheres of public life and plays an important role in the implementation of political, economic, humanitarian and social measures. As a result of the wide opportunities created by the state for the activities of young people, this class has become a leading force in society. Our youth is taking confident steps for the future of our country: “Young people with a high intellectual level, a sense of patriotism and national thinking are being formed in Azerbaijan. We witnessed this during the 44-day Patriotic War. Our heroic young men in the ranks of the brave Azerbaijani Army have written their names in golden letters in the recent history of our people. Thanks to their bravery, this glorious victory restored the territorial integrity of our country, and our people were reunited with our historical lands after thirty years of longing. Along with the battles for the Motherland, our youth has been very active in the rear. They took an active part in bringing to the attention of the international community the realities of our country, the acts of vandalism committed by the occupying Armenians in our ancient lands. We believe that a successful youth policy will be continued in Azerbaijan, and our youth will make a worthy contribution to the development of our country by uniting closely around President Ilham Aliyev. I once again congratulate each of you and wish you success in your education and personal life. “Then, according to the results of the winter exam session of the 2021-2022 academic year, 65 high school students, who are excellent and active in trade unions, were awarded scholarships named after the Republican Committee of AFTUE.

Speaking at the event, students thanked for the attention and care.



 ATUC Press and Public Relations Department