The Savior leader


The fantastic work done by Mr. Ilham Aliyev during the last 19 years of his presidency has earned him great respect and prestige not only at home but also in the international arena. His simplicity, sincerity, love for Azerbaijan, loyalty to his homeland and people, determination, principledness and, finally, the liberation of Karabakh from occupation as Commander-in-Chief in the Patriotic War, which put an end to our 30-year longing, earned him nationwide love.

Four years ago, in the presidential elections held on April 11, 2018, Mr. Ilham Aliyev was elected President of Azerbaijan for the next term, gaining the trust of the absolute majority of the people. The people once again accepted Mr. Ilham Aliyev as an irreplaceable leader and elected him as their leader, and the processes that have taken place so far have proved the correctness of this choice.

The choice of the absolute majority of the people

In the transparent, free and democratic elections, Mr. Ilham Aliyev was elected President with 86.02% of the vote. The people of Azerbaijan praised the work done, voted for development, progress, security and the future. Opinion polls conducted by local and international organizations before the elections and exit polls conducted by international and local organizations on election day coincided with the official election results. Speaking at the inauguration ceremony on April 18, the head of state stated that he would mobilize all opportunities to turn Azerbaijan into a more powerful country: “We must look to the future with confidence. We have plans and programs for the work to be done in the coming years. Therefore, I am confident that all the people of Azerbaijan and all of us are very optimistic about the future. The goal of all of us is to make our country stronger, to become a more powerful state, and  the citizens of Azerbaijan to live better. ”

Over the past four years, great historical events have taken place in the socio-political life of Azerbaijan, and important processes have taken place. From this point of view, the last 4 years can be assessed as a great historical stage for Azerbaijan.

Progressive reforms, a roadmap for a new development strategy

The last 4 years can be characterized as a great test and success for both the President and the people of Azerbaijan. Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s successes and achievements over the past 4 years have been realized in 4 important stages:

– Progressive reforms that lead to political and economic success;

– Organization of effective fight against the global pandemic;

– Liberation of our lands from occupation with the Glorious Victory in the Patriotic War;

– The beginning of unprecedented construction and reconstruction work in Karabakh and East Zangazur.

As in the previous 4 years, the issue of ensuring the interests of every citizen of Azerbaijan and our state has been a priority of the policy pursued by President Ilham Aliyev. Sustainable development, stability and peace have been ensured in the country, and our international position has been further strengthened. Over the past four years, the minimum wage has increased 2.3 times, and the average monthly wage has increased by about 40 percent. There was a 2.2-fold increase in the minimum pension, an average of 2.5-3-fold increase in benefits and pensions, and more than 3-fold increase in some areas.

The first decree signed by Mr. Ilham Aliyev after the 2018 presidential election was aimed at solving the social problems of the families of martyrs. According to this document, the state paid 11,000 manats to more than 18,000 heirs of 12,000 martyrs.

In general, the President’s sincere meetings with citizens in the capital and regions, his close interest in their care, and his decisions to improve the social welfare of the people further increased the people’s confidence in Mr. Ilham Aliyev. These factors also formed the main idea of the concept of unity of the President and the people.

Along with economic reforms, political reforms resulted in the creation of a more flexible management structure. Great successes were achieved in ensuring the modernization, transparency and formation of a new style of activity in the management system.

Serious reforms have also been carried out to optimize the structure and management of the Presidential Administration, the Cabinet of Ministers and other government agencies, and local executive bodies. Early parliamentary elections were also part of these reforms.

Since the beginning of 2019, Ilham Aliyev has carried out serious reforms in the social sphere, as well as in various areas. The decrees and orders, which experts call decisions of a social revolutionary nature, covered almost all segments of the population.

President Ilham Aliyev, whose activities are based on the principles of justice, humanism and compassion, and who continues the strategy defined by National Leader Heydar Aliyev, has been faithful to his tradition for the past four years by signing pardon orders and amnesty acts. The Victory Amnesty adopted on November 5, 2021 on the initiative of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, who ensured our great victory in the Great Patriotic War, can be called another manifestation of the humanist policy of President Ilham Aliyev. The amnesty act, which ended on March 5 this year, covered a total of 15,450 people. Of them, 8,626 were fully released from prison, and the sentences of 6,490 were reduced.

The radical social reforms launched in Azerbaijan in 2018 with the instructions of the head of state allowed revolutionary steps to ensure citizen welfare and satisfaction, serious progress over the past 4 years on social protection and Social Security, employment, labour relations, medical and social rehabilitation and other sectors of the social sphere.

All these reforms, of course, were praised at the international level. Thanks to the strong political will and continued support of the President of Azerbaijan, the comprehensive reforms have allowed our country to set new records. The World Bank’s Doing Business 2019 report, which is considered the most important and reliable rating indicator in the world, assessed Ilham Aliyev as the most reformist President. According to the report, Azerbaijan was included in the list of 10 reformist countries in the world and was declared the most reforming country.

An exemplary country in the fight against the global pandemic

The year 2020 was marked by the spread of the global pandemic to almost all countries, causing more infections and deaths. The development of vaccines against the virus in various countries coincided mainly with this period. Over the past two years, countries around the world have become more focused on fighting the coronavirus. One of the realities of this period was that more serious complications occurred in countries that were indifferent to the problem and thought that the virus was not dangerous. The disease has not passed Azerbaijan, which is part of the world. However, from the first day of the infection, urgent steps were taken in our country.

The Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers has been launched, the Action Plan to Prevent the Spread of New Coronavirus Diseases in the Republic of Azerbaijan and a more comprehensive Action Plan have been approved. On March 19, 2020, the Coronavirus Aid Support Fund was established in Azerbaijan for the first time in the world. Initially, 20 million manat was allocated from the President’s Reserve Fund. With the national solidarity and support of our people, more than 100 million manat was raised in the fund. President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva donated their salaries to the fund.

46 hospitals have been identified for the treatment of people infected with the COVID-19 virus. 41 of these hospitals were built after 2004. 11 modular hospitals were put into operation. This has played a major role in the effective treatment of those infected with the virus. Although several more modular hospitals were planned, they were not needed as a result of effective measures to combat the spread of the virus.

President Ilham Aliyev inaugurated the New Clinic in Baku on March 28, 2020, and a modular hospital of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on July 6, 2020.

By presidential decree, 176 prisoners over the age of 65, including 165 men and 11 women, who were in need of special care due to their age and health, were released from the unserved part of their sentences.

One of the most important steps was the organization of the production of preservatives and disinfectants in our country, and the shortcomings in this area were eliminated in a short time. On April 6, 2020, a medical mask production enterprise established by Baku Textile Factory MMC was opened in Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park.

In accordance with the decrees and orders, instructions and instructions of the President, as one of the rare examples in the world, extensive social programs were implemented in our country during the pandemic. The largest social package in the history of independence was adopted. 5 million people were covered by a large social package.

As the first country in the world to start vaccinating against COVID, it has taken significant steps in this area. Vaccination against coronavirus in the country, which began on January 18, 2021, is carried out at public expense.


The importance of achieving global solidarity in the fight against the pandemic was a challenge that emerged from day one. President Ilham Aliyev was the first to appreciate this call. It was Mr. Ilham Aliyev who took the initiative to achieve international solidarity in the fight against coronavirus. The holding of the Turkish Council Summit on Coronavirus in April 2020 at the initiative of President Ilham Aliyev was the first international event in this direction.

The President of Azerbaijan continued his purposeful position and principled approach with another global initiative. Following the Turkish Council Summit, another international event on coronavirus was organized by Azerbaijan. In May 2020, the Non-Aligned Movement Contact Group held a summit on “Together against COVID-19” via video conference. On December 16, 2021, at the plenary session of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, on the initiative of the President of Azerbaijan as the Chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement, on behalf of the members of the UN General Assembly, The resolution was adopted with the support of an absolute majority of UN member states (179 states).

126 UN member states co-authored the resolution. The adoption of the resolution was another indication that the Non-Aligned Movement, chaired by the President of Azerbaijan, continues to be at the center of global initiatives in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The road to victory, offensive diplomacy and the historic victory of the Commander-in-Chief

The offensive diplomacy of President Ilham Aliyev shattered the power of the Armenian lobby abroad, and its true commanding ability shattered the myth of the so-called “impassable” and “indestructible” defense fortifications in Karabakh.

First of all, the President of Azerbaijan has achieved great success in the political arena. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan was left speechless in political dialogues. The world began to get to the heart of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem, and the truth about Azerbaijan was ignored. Addressing the world from all international tribunes, the President of Azerbaijan proved that Armenia is an aggressor state. International public opinion began to change in favor of Azerbaijan.

As Commander-in-Chief, Mr. Ilham Aliyev established one of the 50 strongest armies in the world in Azerbaijan, and this army at times demonstrated its strength to the enemy with counter-attacks against the provocations of the occupiers.

Finally, Mr. Ilham Aliyev fulfilled his promise to the people as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. He said at the inauguration ceremony four years ago that the people of Azerbaijan will never reconcile with the fact of occupation and our lands will be liberated from the clutches of the enemy. To achieve this, we must and will be stronger.

The Patriotic War, which began on September 27, 2020 with counter-offensive operations, dealt the heaviest blow to the enemy in history. It is true that great pressure was put on Azerbaijan during this war. However, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who demonstrated a strong political will, bravely withstood all pressures and did not back down from his principled position.

Under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the Azerbaijani Army brought Armenia to its knees and subjected it to military capitulation for 44 days. Eight days after the Victory Day and six days after the capitulation of Armenia, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Galib visited Karabakh on November 16. That moment was a historic day. On that day, President Ilham Aliyev called the path of the heroic sons of Azerbaijan to Shusha during the war the Way of Victory and laid the foundation of a new highway from Fizuli to Shusha.

On January 14, 2012, on the 27th kilometer of the Ahmadbeyli-Fuzuli-Shusha highway, President laid the foundations of the Fuzuli-Shusha highway, as well as the airport in the Fizuli region. “We are a victorious people. I last came to Shusha 39 years ago. I came twice 39 years ago and I came for the first time on January 14. Here we are again today, January 14. This time I came as the Commander-in-Chief of the Azerbaijani Army. I have come here as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the army that broke the enemy’s back, and under the sacred flag, in front of the heroic soldiers, I say that we will live in these lands forever! We will restore Shusha and all our destroyed cities and villages. We will restore all our destroyed historical monuments. ”

This was a message not only to Armenia, but to the whole world. Addressing the people, the President of Azerbaijan said that we will soon restore our cities and villages on our own.

Thus, the Second Karabakh War ended with our great victory. In the last 200 years of its history, Azerbaijan has emerged from the war not with territorial losses, but with the restoration of territorial integrity. After this glorious victory, a new political reality has emerged in the region that meets the interests of Azerbaijan.

During the war, President Ilham Aliyev was ahead on all fronts and, with his diplomatic skills, even won the battle on the information front. With his concise, accurate answers and arguments based on iron logic, he overturned Armenia’s false, unsubstantiated slanderous propaganda in this area with his answers to the world’s leading media. During the Great Patriotic War alone, the head of state, who gave interviews to about 40 foreign media outlets, was able to form a positive opinion about our country in the world community by conveying the realities of Azerbaijan. The non-existent Karabakh conflict, the reasons for the war, analytical comments on its course, diplomatic responses revealed the aggressive nature of Armenia, proved that this country supports terrorism at the state level. He showed his place to everyone with his restrained, patient, and well-reasoned answers to biased, provocative questions.

This war showed the world how great, invincible, iron-willed people the Azerbaijani people are. This historical result broke the opinion of the “defeated people” about us, instilled self-confidence in our people and raised our national pride.

Our victory in the Great Patriotic War was the logical result of Ilham Aliyev’s strong state and strong army strategy implemented during his years in power. With a historic victory, Azerbaijan has once again confirmed that it is one of the developed countries in the world. With this victory, the nationwide love for the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, who wrote his name in golden letters in the history of Azerbaijan, increased even more.

Unprecedented creative work in Karabakh and East Zangazur

After this victory, new realities emerged in the region. Azerbaijan demonstrated to the world the Armenian savagery and barbarism in the lands liberated from occupation. In the last 28 years, our cities and villages have been destroyed. Mankind has once again testified that Armenia has lied to the world for years.

But this quality of the enemy did not discourage Azerbaijan. By the order of the President, the economic regions of Karabakh and East Zangazur were established and a task was given to begin construction and reconstruction work on our liberated lands. Azerbaijan began to carry out this work at its own expense, without receiving assistance from any financial institution, international organization or any state.

Work on airports, railways and highways, energy and water supply, internal infrastructure, housing and the opening of the Zangazur corridor has become increasingly widespread. Today, unprecedented construction work continues in our liberated lands. This work, which is under the personal control of the President, is being carried out rapidly. Mr. Ilham Aliyev regularly visits Karabakh and East Zangazur and is interested in the work done, and during each visit he either opens or lays the foundation of a facility.

Our citizens already travel to Shusha and Agdam by buses. Fizuli airport is at the service of citizens as the first air gate of Karabakh. Construction of 16 highways in these areas is underway, and new asphalt roads will soon be opened in all directions. The chief architect of all this, of course, is Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who turned Azerbaijan into the most powerful state in its history.

We can say with confidence that the idea of the President of Azerbaijan “We will turn Karabakh into a paradise again” will soon come true and the world will once again witness the economic power of our country.

All this gives us reason to say that the consistent reforms implemented due to the determination and high political will of President Ilham Aliyev strengthen our country, improve the welfare of the people, bring the state and public officials closer to the people.

The peace process is led by the Victorious Commander

 Today, the unchanging realities created by Azerbaijan in resolving the Karabakh conflict meet the interests of all parties. This is evidenced by the behavior of international organizations, as well as states commenting on the process. The reality is that by ending the occupation, the region has emerged from the swamp created by Armenia and embarked on a path of rapid development. This fully meets the political and economic interests of the region as a whole.

All negotiations conducted during the post-war period are conducted within the national interests of Azerbaijan and on the basis of its proposals. In this regard, the visit of President Ilham Aliyev to Brussels on April 6, the second meeting with the President of the European Council Charles Michel, the Prime Minister of Armenia Nicole Pashinyan and the results achieved can be assessed as significant progress. This should be considered as the next great success of the consistent and purposeful policy pursued. The start of negotiations on a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the establishment of a working group in this direction, the 5 proposals put forward by Azerbaijan and the conduct of subject negotiations on this basis are important steps to ensure the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The issue of starting the delimitation process is one of the first proposals put forward by Azerbaijan after the end of the war, and it is very important to reach an agreement in the last negotiations.


Thus, the negotiations are based on 5 proposals put forward by Azerbaijan. The main point in this proposal is the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. That is why the second meeting in Brussels should be considered another success of President Ilham Aliyev’s political diplomacy. Because the commitment made by the parties at the meeting, specifically Armenia, means the realization of the will of Azerbaijan. All this gives reason to say that both the defeated Armenia and the mediating international organizations are obliged to agree with the political decisions of the President of Azerbaijan.

Apparently, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who also wrote his name in our history as the Savior Leader, is working hard to turn Azerbaijan into a more powerful state with a completely independent, principled policy based on national interests. The resolute policy of the First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva is also at the center of the resolute policy pursued in this direction. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva provides the main support for the successful implementation of the tasks set by the President with the intention of implementing strategic decisions, reforms and positive changes, and achieving his goals. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva is a people’s man in all respects, a statesman who has won the unequivocal support of our citizens, a successful, bright face who fulfills the wishes of the people with her work, the dreams of the people. He supports the President with all his work and is his closest ally.

The policy pursued by both the President and the First Vice President for the success of Azerbaijan, their propaganda, the projects implemented for the benefit of the people give grounds to say that Azerbaijan is confidently moving towards a greater, more powerful future.


 Sattar Mohbaliyev,

 Member of Parliament

Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation