Our people are closely united around Mr. Ilham Aliyev and are confidently moving towards a brighter future


“While characterizing the political activity of President Ilham Aliyev as President, we see that great successes and achievements in all spheres of life of our country are interchangeable, and Azerbaijan has taken the path of rapid development. Every citizen of Azerbaijan feels this in his life. First of all, I must say that there is political stability in our country, prosperity and peace have been established, and the social welfare of the people is improving year by year. The guarantor of all this is Mr. Ilham Aliyev. Because the citizen of Azerbaijan is at the center of his policy and the interests of our state and people are the basis of all his decisions.

This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev.

According to him, his ability to put national interests above all else and protect it with dignity even in the most difficult moments, his political will, determination, ability to predict the course of events, courageous decisions increase the love of Mr. Ilham Aliyev in the hearts of the people: “All these and other factors allowed Mr. Ilham Aliyev to be re-elected President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the free and democratic elections held on April 11, 2018, winning an absolute majority of 86.02 percent of the Azerbaijani electorate. His political activities, his work in the field of domestic and foreign policy complement each other in a logical sequence. His attitude to the events in the country and abroad is unambiguous and accurate. In all moments of communication with the people, he clearly conveys his thoughts and ideas about the new plans and prospects facing our independent state. Every speech of the head of state shows that he has a level of professional knowledge. The quality of communication with each representative of the people, his ability to overcome the psychological barrier between the President and the citizen with great skill increases the great trust and love of the people for Ilham Aliyev.

“Our esteemed people have always trusted Mr. Ilham Aliyev and praised the unprecedented work done in our country, successful domestic and foreign policy, professional management:” I would like to emphasize that 2003-2018 was the brightest period in the history of the Azerbaijani economy. Thus, the gross domestic product increased by 3.2 times, budget revenues by 13.5 times, foreign exchange reserves by 26.6 times, and financial opportunities have radically improved. These statistics are the result of systematic reforms implemented by Mr. Ilham Aliyev. In addition, the minimum wage increased by 12.9 times and 1,958,400 new jobs were created. “Increasing competitiveness, taking steps to reduce dependence on oil, increasing quality exports have expanded Azerbaijan’s economic potential,” he said.

S.Mohbaliyev noted that the achievements gained since 2003 in all spheres of public life once again confirm that the people’s confidence in Mr. Ilham Aliyev was not mistaken: “as a result of his thought-out and purposeful policy, Azerbaijan has become the fastest growing, stable and powerful state of the South Caucasus region. These successes are underpinned by the personal ability, Ability of the president and at the same time the invaluable services of the closest associate Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva. The policy pursued by him is a great support for Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s activity and further strengthens the strong confidence of the people in the President.”

The ATUC chairman said that today our people are closely united around the head of state and are confidently moving towards a brighter future: “We believe that under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, our great successes and achievements are still ahead.”


     ATUC Press and Public Relations Department