Establishment of sports infrastructure in East Zangazur and Karabakh will give new impetus to the development of sports in the country


The sports policy of our state plays an important role in the global recognition of our country, strengthening its position and forming a positive image. The sports policy, founded by the great leader Heydar Aliyev on solid foundations, is yielding results in the international arena thanks to the attention and care of President Ilham Aliyev. Azerbaijan has already established itself in the world in the field of sports, in short, it is known in the world as a country with a high level of sports development.The medals and awards won by our athletes at the European and world championships, other achievements, as well as the high interest in sports and state support in our country are in the focus of the international sports community and sports federations. That is why they are very enthusiastic about holding international competitions in Azerbaijan. I would like to remind you of the first European Games “Baku-2015” and the IV Islamic Solidarity Games. The whole world watched with interest how Azerbaijan organizes such prestigious sports competitions in a neat, magnificent, exemplary and professional manner. This is a direct manifestation of the successful sports policy of President Ilham Aliyev.

This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev.

According to him, our athletes who have achieved high achievements are covered by special care of the state: First of all, I would like to note that these athletes are received by the head of state, the president talks to them, appreciates the importance of their victories, noting that it is important to strengthen the position of our country in international sports organizations.The European Under-23 Wrestling Championship recently held in Bulgaria was remembered by our sportsmen with great performance and high results. The fact that our country won a total of 16 medals, including 7 gold, 2 silver and 7 bronze, and took first place in the overall standings is a glorious page in the history of sports in Azerbaijan and makes every Azerbaijani proud. Receiving our wrestlers who have achieved this success, President Ilham Aliyev praised the result and called it a demonstration of the strength of our country. In his speech, the President spoke about the sporting power of our country, calling it a logical consequence of a well-thought-out and correct policy.The achievements in this field at the international level once again confirm that the sports policy of our country is well-established, is developing year by year, and even greater successes are yet to come. Olympic sports complexes meeting the most modern requirements have been put into operation in almost all regions of the country, and our young people are involved here, and a new generation of competitive athletes is growing up. We believe that the Azerbaijani youth, brought up in a healthy spirit, free from bad habits, will represent our country with dignity in all areas, as it is now, and expand its international opportunities.

In his speech, the head of state also touched upon the importance of our victory in the 44-day Patriotic War. Of course, this page of our history is our place of pride. If earlier the world community recognized us as a nation defeated by the betrayal of someone, now it recognizes and accepts us as a victorious nation thanks to one of the most powerful commanders of our millennial history, the founder of our glorious victory Ilham Aliyev. The great victory we have won on the battlefield stimulates our athletes in international competitions, inspires them to win and instills a sense of invincibility. Because, in the words of the President, they represent the victorious people, and this motivates them to victory, – said the MP.

“Another good news from the head of state was the development of sports in the liberated territories. It is gratifying that the prospects for the creation of sports infrastructure in East Zangazur and Karabakh are envisaged, and this is reflected in the master plan of the new cities built there. We can say with confidence that the steps taken in this direction in these areas, which will meet the residents in the near future, will strengthen the development of sports in the country and strengthen its position in the world of sports’’, Mohbaliyev said.