The Karabakh Revival Foundation thanked the ATUC


“Dear Mr.Sattar Mohbaliyev”

As you know, the Karabakh Revival Fund, established by the decree of the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev, is a public legal entity that provides financial support and attraction of investments to the measures taken in the direction of restoration and reconstruction of the liberated territories, turning them into a sustainable economy and a highly prosperous region.

I would like to emphasize that since its inception, thousands of our compatriots and hundreds of companies have donated to the organization to support the work in Karabakh.

“Dear Mr.Sattar Mohbaliyev”

I express my deep gratitude to the organization led by you for your contribution to the work done for the revival of Karabakh.

I believe that this will be a successful start to our cooperation and the partnership between us in the work done for the welfare of our country will be broader and longer-lasting.

I would like to inform you that at one of the next events, a special “Donation Certificate” prepared in the name of your organization will be presented to you by our foundation.

It should be noted that reports on all our projects will be regularly presented to donors, as well as the public.

Thank you for your attention and I express my deep respect to you! ”