Some points in the European Parliament’s report are provocative


“Some points in the European Parliament’s foreign policy and security report for 2021 are completely wrong. It is clear that the realities are hidden and intended to confuse the international community. If the European Parliament, which considers the OSCE Minsk Group to be the only internationally recognized format for the settlement of the “Nagorno-Karabakh conflict”, should know that during the 29 years of its activity the Minsk Group tried not to resolve the issue, but to freeze it. The negotiations over all these years did not yield any results. Both the aggressor and the occupied side were treated equally in the activities of the organization. As a result, international resolutions remained on paper for many years. No concrete steps have been taken to resolve the conflict. In short, the Minsk Group failed to achieve its goal. Today, he has nothing to do, he has gone down in history. The desire to bring him back to the stage in what form and why is just ridiculous.

This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev.

The report also emphasizes the importance of “returning prisoners of war.” This is a completely unfounded approach. Because all the soldiers captured during the war were handed over to Armenia. Those they considered prisoners of war were captured in Azerbaijan 16 days after the war, when the November Declaration was signed. These people were purposefully sent to our positions by the Armenian military commanders. They even killed four of our servicemen. Of course, this happened after the conflict, and it is a crime. According to international conventions, they cannot be considered prisoners of war. Prisoners of war are considered prisoners of war. I also reminded him that the Azerbaijani side has already returned many of them as a gesture of goodwill. Of course, this should also be commended. It is very unfortunate that the European Parliament is biased on this issue, “Mohbaliyev said.

The idea of a “Nagorno-Karabakh conflict” in the document is generally wrong. It seems that the authors of the report are either unaware of the events in the region, the new realities, or are deliberately biased. Today, there is no administrative territorial unit called “Nagorno-Karabakh” in the territory of Azerbaijan. As for the conflict, Azerbaijan did it alone for 44 days, a conflict that international organizations have not been able to resolve for 30 years. He fulfilled the violated principles of international law and taught a worthy lesson to separatism, which has always threatened peace in the world. Today, all the efforts of Azerbaijan in the region are aimed at peace and security. Active work is underway to begin the process of mutual recognition, delimitation and demarcation of borders. At this point, the issues raised in the report are provocative and the biggest threat to peace in the region, “he said. He added that it would be good if the European Parliament did not focus on the resumption of the conflict, but on the issues in Eastern Europe: “Today, the European Parliament has a lot to do in Eastern Europe. What is happening there worries all the countries in the region. It is very important that the European Parliament works in this direction, and it is inappropriate to waste time on conflicts that have been resolved in vain.