Honorable mission for Azerbaijan


Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva is a great example of support, compassion and kindness

In the history of Azerbaijan, there have been many strong women with a military spirit, who have achieved serious results in politics, science, culture, art and all other areas. They took an active part in the development of our society and made their contribution to it.

Today, women who play an important role in the socio-political life of Azerbaijan, living in the most powerful period of its history, are not only mothers, but also talented politicians, businessmen and government officials. First Lady of Azerbaijan, First Vice-President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva, who is highly respected not only in Azerbaijan but also in the world for her humanism, kindness and nobility, unique public activity, is one of the personalities in our history.

Progressive reforms and the right choice

Today, in the example of the First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva, the place of Azerbaijani women in society, their prestige, business acumen, and mission worthy of service to the state are more clearly visible in our country. It is no coincidence that Mehriban Aliyeva’s political and social activity plays an important role in shaping the image of Azerbaijani women not only in our country but also in the world. According to the decree of President Ilham Aliyev dated February 21, 2017, 5 years have passed since Mehriban Aliyeva was appointed First Vice President. If we take this small look, of course, we will witness that great work has been done on behalf of our country and our people.

2016 was a year of profound reforms in the history of our country. The author of these reforms is President Ilham Aliyev, who correctly assesses the political processes in the world, pursues a completely independent policy in the interests of our national interests, and turns Azerbaijan into a state with its own word and position in the Euro-Atlantic geopolitical area. The confidence of the electorate in the nationwide referendum initiated by the most reformist President was a clear indication of the people’s trust in the head of state. The people unequivocally supported the concept of reforms announced by Ilham Aliyev.

In the same year, as part of the reforms, the Constitution was amended by a nationwide referendum and a new vice-presidential institution was established in Azerbaijan. At the same time, the legal framework for more flexible governance mechanisms has been formed. The main essence of the changes, which are part of the new course of political and economic reforms, was to increase the quality advantage in the administrative-legal, socio-political and socio-economic spheres, to improve the management system in response to modern challenges.

The purpose of establishing the post of vice-president was to increase the efficiency and flexibility of government agencies, to achieve better performance of obligations to citizens, to strengthen the responsibility of officials. In this regard, Mr. President’s proposal to establish a vice-presidential institution had serious grounds.

The appointment of Mehriban Aliyeva to this position was not accidental. Because Mehriban Aliyeva, both as a member of the Milli Majlis and as the head of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, was implementing important projects in the country and in the international arena. When he was a member of the Milli Majlis, he regularly met with voters, took an interest in their concerns, studied their opinions and suggestions, and took appropriate measures to address their social problems. Having won the deep respect and sympathy of the electorate, Mehriban Aliyeva was closely involved in the adoption of a number of important laws in the parliament, acting in the interests of our state and people. At the same time, it plays an active role in the socio-political and cultural life of Azerbaijan, and its projects in the field of education, health, culture and art have made an invaluable contribution to the development of these areas. Also, the work done to introduce the realities and culture of Azerbaijan to the world has a great impact on the international community, these projects further strengthen the position of Azerbaijan in the world, proving that our country has ancient cultural and historical roots.

High level of organizational skills, unique management features

His endless love for his homeland, deep respect for national and moral values, services to the country’s socio-political life, inexhaustible love for the people are the main factors that led to his appointment to the post of First Vice President of our country. Thanks to her capable political activity, high-level organizational skills, unique management features, humanistic approach, Mehriban Aliyeva copes with this task with dignity.

Each of the projects initiated and directly led by Mehriban Aliyeva, who has been working as the First Vice-President for five years on the basis of the principles of service to the state and the people, is socially oriented.

Together with President Ilham Aliyev, Mehriban Aliyeva has made a great contribution to the development and implementation of the country’s development strategy, as well as the implementation of social, humanitarian and economic projects. At the heart of his political activity is humanism. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva pays more attention to solving the country’s social problems. He always takes care of vulnerable groups, puts forward various initiatives to meet their social needs, and sends them gifts on holidays and significant days for our state. With her activity, Mehriban Aliyeva created a positive image of an Azerbaijani woman. He successfully represents Azerbaijan in the world, both in the life of the country and at the international level with his noble and humane work. With these good deeds, she raises the name of the Azerbaijani woman. Her success at the international level is also the success of the Azerbaijani woman.

We can proudly say that today an Azerbaijani woman is a goodwill ambassador of UNESCO and ICESCO. Today, on the initiative of Azerbaijani women, charity events are held in Muslim countries, ongoing projects related to the education and health of Muslim children are implemented, and schools are built abroad. This work shows that the benevolent and progressive mission aims to be useful to all people of the world and serves to educate the people of the world. In short, we witness the example of kindness, compassion and humanity of an Azerbaijani woman in the example of Mehriban Aliyeva.

The hope of millions

Kindness and mercy are perhaps the most needed issues in the world today and in humanity as a whole. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, along with creating a socio-philosophical foundation in this field in Azerbaijan through her charitable activities, shows the main outlines of a noble path to future generations.

Mehriban Aliyeva, who devotes all her opportunities and abilities to the implementation of humanitarian programs for the benefit of the people, the recognition of Azerbaijan as a civilized country in the world, is always with people in need.

His attachment to people comes from within, from his spiritual world, from his good attitude. Mehriban Aliyeva has always created the image of a proud Azerbaijani woman in the hearts and memories of our people, for her unparalleled services in the fields of science, education and health, as well as for her philanthropic features. Because the joy of his services has been written on the pages of hundreds of people’s lives, brought happiness to many families, gave love to life to the orphans, and increased confidence in the bright future in their hearts.

Today, Mehriban Aliyeva is also a spiritual mother and a great support for children deprived of parental care. With the voice of a kind heart, the First Lady devotes all her energy and time to the welfare and happy life of the people. It is no coincidence that Mehriban Aliyeva is the person most often addressed by the President of Azerbaijan today. This is once again an indication of the people’s inexhaustible love, trust and confidence in the First Vice President.

Of course, speaking about these benevolence, noble deeds, social projects, it is impossible not to mention the activity of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, headed by Mehriban Aliyeva since 2004. Adhering to its principles, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation has been implementing various projects in education, health, culture, sports, science and technology, ecology, social and other fields for 18 years.

In general, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation was established to reflect the rich spiritual heritage of our people, out of a desire to pay tribute to the memory of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, who entered our history as the founder of an independent state. Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, who managed to preserve the national and moral values, historical identity and national identity of the people, as well as pass them on to future generations, has always been the protector of science, education and national and spiritual values. The Heydar Aliyev Foundation has always demonstrated its commitment to this goal through its purposeful activity.

The role of the President of the Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva in our success is undeniable. The Heydar Aliyev Foundation, which strives to strengthen the pure ideals of the national leader based on compassion, nobility and high humanism in the public consciousness, confidently implements a number of important projects for the future of our people, has become a place of hope for millions. As a result of the foundation’s unparalleled services, the realities of Azerbaijan are being disseminated in the world today, and the political, social and cultural landscape of our country is being promoted at a high level.

The Heydar Aliyev Foundation also contributes to the expansion of Azerbaijan’s dialogue with other countries. This attitude creates great opportunities for the foundation’s international cooperation. To protect the cultural heritage, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation has restored a number of architectural monuments, including the Palace of Versailles, which is included in the World Cultural Heritage List. Mehriban Aliyeva said in an interview: “Our foundation has helped restore the fourteenth-century Notre Dame and Strasbourg cathedrals in Paris, the Berlin City Palace destroyed in World War II, as well as Azerbaijani medieval manuscripts kept in the Vatican archives. Establishment of cultural and humanitarian ties is of great importance for our country. Cultural cooperation reveals how we know each other, how we know each other’s history, culture and traditions.

Among the large-scale programs and projects of the First Lady of Azerbaijan is the goal of improving the education system and ensuring its integration into the world education system. The Foundation’s “New School for a Renewing Azerbaijan” program has led to numerous achievements in the field of education. Hundreds of schools, dozens of kindergartens and specialized children’s schools have been built, repaired and equipped to high standards within the project. Such modern schools open new horizons and create new opportunities for students. His project “Support to Education” is implemented not only in Azerbaijan, but also in a number of foreign countries, and even pays attention to such science and education in foreign countries. Thus, the Jewish Education Center and the French School were established at the initiative of the foundation. He built a new school for girls in the Pakistani city of Muzaffarabad. Schools have been built or renovated in the Netherlands, Georgia, Egypt, Russia and Romania.

Today, Azerbaijan is also known in the world as a country of sports. Growing up in a healthy environment, staying away from bad habits, in general, the comprehensive development of physical education in the country is a priority. We can say with confidence that the sports policy successfully implemented by President Ilham Aliyev has a special place in the promotion of our state around the world. As a member of the National Olympic Committee and its Executive Committee, as well as President of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation, Mehriban Aliyeva has done great work in this area and made invaluable contributions to the sustainability of the sports movement. The holding of the first European Games, IV Islamic Solidarity Games, Gymnastics World Cup in our country at a high level is due to its name and high organizational qualities. Of course, such international competitions have led to the promotion of our country’s culture, its international recognition as a country of sports, and thus a large influx of tourists to our country. Everyone knows that Azerbaijan has been praised by all countries as an exemplary country in the fight against the COVID-19 virus. This was even discussed at meetings of international organizations. Along with the state policy in this area, the services of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and its head Mehriban Aliyeva are undeniable. During the global pandemic, the foundation helped thousands of families and helped the homeless.

Families of martyrs, war invalids, IDPs

One of the most important points in the activities of the First Vice President, perhaps the first, was the issues related to the families of martyrs, disabled people of the Karabakh war, refugees and IDPs. Almost every year, several times he meets with the families of martyrs, participants of the Karabakh war, the families of our heroes and heroines, listens to their problems and tries to find a solution on the spot.

Today, Mehriban Aliyeva’s work and attention have always been appreciated in all the work done by the Azerbaijani government to improve the living conditions of former refugees and IDPs whose lands are at large.

Today, the process of restoring our cultural and religious monuments destroyed by Armenian vandals in our liberated lands continues. Along with traditional activities, today the Heydar Aliyev Foundation has launched extensive activities in the liberated lands. At the initiative of the Foundation, the process of overhaul, restoration and construction of our religious monuments has been started in these lands. Yukhari Govhar agha, Ashagi Govhar agha, Saatli mosques, Aghdam city mosque and Zangilan city mosque in Shusha are being restored by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. At the same time, the construction of new mosques in Dashalti, Hadrut and Shusha is initiated by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

Restoration work carried out by the foundation at some facilities in Shusha has been completed in just a few months. On August 29, 2021, with the participation of President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva, Vagif’s museum-mausoleum complex was inaugurated after reconstruction.

One of the projects implemented in Shusha with the support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation is the unveiling of a statue of prominent Azerbaijani composer Uzeyir bey Hajibeyli. The statue of Uzeyir bey Hajibeyli in Shusha was erected in 1985 on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. The monument, designed by sculptor Ahmad Salikov, was completely destroyed in 1992 during the First Karabakh War by Armenian vandalism. With the support of the Foundation, a bronze statue of Uzeyir bey Hajibeyli was erected in its former place in Shusha and was unveiled on August 29 last year. As there is no model of the statue left, the new monument was created on the basis of photos published in the press of that time and kept in the archives. The house-museum of Uzeyir bey Hajibeyli in Shusha is also being restored by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. The Heydar Aliyev Foundation also carried out repair and restoration work at the Carpet Gallery in Shusha and the Mehmandarovs’ mansion complex, an important historical and architectural monument.

During 2021, a number of cultural events were held in Shusha with the organization and support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. “Kharibulbul” festival, Vagif Poetry Days have become a great cultural event in the life of our republic, as well as the Victory of our people in the Patriotic War, Shusha is an ancient city of Azerbaijan. Also, as part of the Vagif Poetry Days, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation organized a “Karabakh is a pearl of Azerbaijani culture” in Shusha, “Again in the homeland.” Pearls of Karabakh art ”and“ Memory. Photographic history ”exhibitions were also organized. In addition, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation held the Kharibulbul International Art Festival in Agdam as part of the Kharibulbul Music Festival. At the festival, held for the first time, 32 artists from 13 countries created unique works dedicated to the historic Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The main goal of the project was to convey to the international audience the scale of the destruction in the occupied territories, the aggression against our historical monuments, national and cultural heritage, spiritual values, nature through artists from different countries.

Touching upon this issue during the visit of President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva to Agdam on February 13, the head of state said that the Heydar Aliyev Foundation was doing all this work at its own expense. This is another contribution of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation to the protection of Azerbaijan’s national and moral values.

The most loyal comrade-in-arms

The role of Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, who gained respect and love of everyone for her kindness, high skills, attention and care, in public-political and cultural life of our country is undeniable. Her sphere of activity was multifaceted and deeply penetrated into all spheres of our life.

The main feature that characterizes the combination of all these qualities, of course, is that Mehriban Aliyeva is the closest ally of President Ilham Aliyev in the realization of the ideas of the founder of the independent Azerbaijani state, National Leader Heydar Aliyev. Today, Azerbaijani women are justifiably proud of Mehriban Aliyeva and her reputation, and follow her example.

Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva’s undeniable service and work are multifaceted and incomparable. Analyzing the work done by Mehriban Aliyeva, who made a worthy contribution to the support and success of the course pursued by President Ilham Aliyev in all areas as First Vice President, we can be sure that her multifaceted and wide-ranging activities play a significant role in today’s development of Azerbaijan.

Today, Mehriban Aliyeva, with her unique high business and moral qualities, deep organizational and managerial skills, deserves the task entrusted to her, and makes an important contribution to the success of the political course pursued in the country.

If we look only at the activities of the First Vice President last year, we can see how much Mehriban Aliyeva has contributed to the rise of our country and the further growth of its international prestige.

On February 11 last year, the First Vice President addressed the event in the format of a video conference “Women and Girls in Science” held as part of the “Year of Women” announced by ICESCO. Congratulating ICESCO on its initiative to declare 2021 the “Year of Women”, Mehriban Aliyeva said that it is not only a manifestation of the organization’s importance to the role of women in our society, but also a confirmation of their unparalleled contribution to a more prosperous and secure world.

On August 26, First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva attended the opening of the Suleyman Rustam Foreign Languages Gymnasium in Mardakan settlement of Khazar district, the newly built dormitory building of Special Boarding School No. 12 in Shuvalan settlement, and the reconstructed kindergarten No. 229 in Buzovna settlement.

On September 24, the First Vice President got acquainted with the conditions created at the newly built secondary school No. 88 in the Bina settlement of the Khazar district of Baku. All this shows once again that the programs and projects for the development of science and education have a special place among the priority areas of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. The “Development of Preschool Education Institutions” program implemented by the Foundation since 2014 is aimed at solving existing problems in this area. The Heydar Aliyev Foundation makes a significant contribution in this direction by implementing this program. Under the program, kindergartens in need of repair are being reconstructed and new ones are being built.

The Rehabilitation Center for children with autism spectrum disorders has been operating since 2013. However, so far the center has not had a permanent building. At the end of last year, the opening of a new Autism Center built by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in the Nizami district of Baku was a real gift for children with autism spectrum disorders. First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva, daughters Leyla Aliyeva and Arzu Aliyeva attended the opening of the center on the last day of last year.

As can be seen, the activities of First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva last year were both multifaceted and productive. The analysis of this activity shows that all the work done, the steps taken serve only one purpose – the successful implementation of the development strategy of President Ilham Aliyev, the further growth of Azerbaijan’s international prestige.

We can say with confidence that the activities of Mehriban Aliyeva over the past five years are multifaceted and unprecedented. If we analyze the work of Mehriban Aliyeva, who made a worthy contribution to the support and success of the political course pursued by President Ilham Aliyev in all areas as First Vice President, we can be sure that her multifaceted and comprehensive activities have a great weight in today’s development of Azerbaijan.

The results of the past five years show that Mehriban Aliyeva will continue to make a worthy contribution to the socio-economic development strategy implemented by President Ilham Aliyev through her activities as First Vice President of Azerbaijan.


Sattar Mohbaliyev,

Member of the Parliament,

Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation

“Azerbaijan” newspaper 20.02.2022