Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev congratulates Azerbaijani women


The greeting says:

“On the occasion of March 8 – International Women’s day, I cordially congratulate the women of our country, including all women represented in the ranks of trade unions, on behalf of the Azerbaijan trade unions and on my own behalf, I express my best wishes.

I note with great pride that Azerbaijani women, who always stand on the highest peaks, are always distinguished by good and noble deeds, kindness, strong will and initiative, and actively participate in the socio-political life of the country.

The role of our women in the activities of Azerbaijani trade unions is also unprecedented. They make important contributions to the development of trade unions with their diligence, hard work and dedication.

Azerbaijani women, Azerbaijani mothers have always brought up worthy and courageous children for the homeland. These sons showed heroism and won the 44-day Patriotic War under the leadership Ilham Aliyev, liberating our lands from occupation.

I once again heartily congratulate all Azerbaijani women, including the mothers of martyrs, on the occasion of International Women’s Day and wish them happy days.

Dear women, happy holiday! ”